I finished up plowing tonight. I coulda been done a few weeks ago, but I'd do a couple acres here, a couple there, and spend a bunch of time wiht my fiance in between. I hooked onto the Oliver 565 3-16 plow for the last few acres with the 1855 (talk about over powered) to get it shined up so I could repain the bottoms, as they were just starting to rust through the last paint a little bit. Of course I had to hit a rock that broke a nearly new rock share that I had put on the fall before we got our 4-16 546 semi-mounted. Went home and put on a used but still usable one I had in the shop, and finished up. Now tomorrow I need to paint the bottoms on that one, and then hook onto the hydro-swing haybine and cut down the oats and alfalfa on our new seeding. The oats regrew like crazy this year, and we took them off back in mid September, and now they're about 18" tall again in some parts of the field. Originally I thought it was because I used the hydro-swing to swath it, but where it grew back the 1st time followed where the combine ran and laid the windrows back down after being harvested. Way too crooked and not evenly spaced like it was when I cut it down with the moco. Gonna just cut it and then chop it in the silo probably. No way we'll get anything to dry down for hay in this weather. As far as next year's plow day, I think I'm gonna make it a go. Looking at Saturday, Oct. 11th right now. Donovan from Wisconsin