I know they make replacements, but I have ethical questions about such things, if only because they will stamp them with any numbers you want, making an opening for unscrupulous "restorers." If I ever get around to putting remote hydraulics on my SuperC, I will forego replacing the tool box/seat support with the one that routes the hoses underneath it because it would mean removing my Serial No. plate and putting it on the replacement box/support. Moving a plate is bad enough in my book, replacing it . . . I'm just that opposed to the idea. What you might try before considering the replacement route . . . worked for me on my '47 BN. Apart from the stamped numbers, everything you can read on that plate is very slightly raised. Scuff it all down very lightly with a Scotchbrite pad, then mask around it and over the rectangular areas where the model, serial no., and rpm rating are stamped. Then apply several thin layers of black lacquer (goes on thinner than paint) from a rattle can. Give it a day or so to harden, then sand it down with 2000 grit, like you'd use for wet-sanding until the slightly raised lettering appears clean. It works better if you remove the masking over the stamped numbers before sanding. The surface is rarely exactly flat, and even after the Scotchbrite you might have a few areas where surface corrosion stuck up, so you may have to repeat the process a time or two for any areas where you might sand through the areas that you want black. Slow and easy does it. focus on the areas where there is lettering and sand across them, avaoiding the flat areas. When you're satisfied, shoot a quick coat of clear lacquer ove the whole thing to brighten up and even out any scuff marks left in the black.