It all started when I began coveting my neighbor's wife - brushhoggin on a new JD. God she looked good, gleaming in the afternoon sun, just a light touch of smoke billowing outta her stack. And the way she loaded down and pulled through them saplings -- wow! Then, I was on my way to work one morning. Next I remember, I was hangin on the fence line, truck in the ditch, door open, me just gaping at my friend's new Gleaner (watch out, Allen!). What I could do with a 30' head. Gradually, one thing led to another. Lonely nights in smoky, dimly lit tracor forums, talking with other men that -- had the same desires. Tractors, its all we talked about. One day my wife walked in the garage with our minister, my mother and several area mechanics. I knew the jig was up. "Kent," she said, "We love you and we're doing this for your own good." They put me in a 12-step program but being a farmer, I 'Combined' it into one step. Then I baled it and housed it in the barn. I know there's no cure, I'll never be free of this curse. Just be forewarned, some moonless night if you hear a rustlin out by the barn, it might be me -- sneakin pictures of your unstyled B or your stripped down Fordson. I can't help it... its a disease. Hey, buddy. Would... would you mind if I restored that old rototiller sittin in the corner? I'll make it like new, I promise. It ain't metric is it?