KMM: You really didn't indicate whether the moldboard plow is 1, 2 or 3 bottom. Of the implements you listed the plow pretty much governs where the wheels must be set. Tire size is another factor as mounted plows are also based on width from center of tractor to inner side wall of right rear tire. If your plow is 2x16, I expect your wheel spacing is very close to ideal. I'd try it before changing wheels, if you find the right furrow too large you may have to go 56" centers on rear. If your plow is 3x16, you may have to go 64" centers. All wheel settings as it applies to a plow do have a bit of leeway, as you can probably adjust the plow close to 4" to match the wheel setting. I never gave a thought to 1x16, that would probably require 52" tire centers. Jim suggested keeping inside of front and rear wheels the same. I expect you are very close to that right now with fronts on 56" and rears on 60". Personally, I like my front and rear tires same on centers for plowing. That is a personal preference item, and you'll find about the same number of folks like it either way. Only one way to settle that one, try each and you decide which you like.