hmmm... are you looking for relatively cheap? I know you'll need the three point and a box scraper. If so, the little red Massey Ferguson 35 or the newer 135 tractor... it would be a nice little tractor for that. you could get a 35 hp 3 cyl. perkins in it, wow what a nice tractor. Dad had a ferguson 230 which is a way newer model of the same tractor. You could ALSO get the 202 massey which is the heavier industrial version of the 35 if you wanted, with a loader. If you wanted a bigger massey, you could try finding a 65 with 51 horsepower. They run around 2-4 grand??? Fords are good, i like the 641, 671 or the 39 hp ford 2000 tractor. They have nice 3 pt. Probably the most economical you could get. As you said, I'm also fond of the Oliver 550, however, I never could find one, so that went down the drain. I am thinking a john deere 1020/1530/2030/2040 with powersteering and all the other good stuff would be the best tractor for ya, but they run about 6-8 grand.