Gentlemen- We're discussing some "technelogical voodoo" that 99.999% of the populatin don't understand, and even fewer care about. I say that as a former "Sun Man". JHE did a good job so listen to him. Simplistically, the coil uses low voltage (6, 12 etc) to create a strong magnetic field in a very small space. When the points open, or the transistor switches off, the field collapses. With the primary circuit open (points open or transistor off) the magnetic energy can only return as high voltage, in the higher turns ratio secondary winding. The energy comes back with real high pressure and little substance. A transistor can do an absolute open primary circuit cut off. A contact points system needs a capacitor to "fool" the returning energy and give the points enough time to open, so the energy isn't dissipated back into the primary. Over on the secondary side... Pull up a technical dissertation on "cold cathode emissions", then one one on "hot cathode emissions" (Elderly ham radio operators, please jump in here). Anyway, at the spark plug it is a smiliar deal to striking an arc with a hot welding electrode- easy to make fire. The bottom line- high voltage electrons in the spark plug behave much like people, when you're in a hellishly hot place you jump to where it's cooler. Center electrode is hot and ground electrode is cooler. If in doubt, simply reverse the coil primary connections and see how your machine runs under a load out near it's maximum design capability. A bunch of sputtering and misfiring with even a modest load can indicate reversed coil polarity. The internal connections of the primary and secondary windings determine how it all comes out at the spark plug. And, that's where it counts. Jest have the plug wire as negative polarity and things work out OK. The Brits and Lucas threw tons of mud in the water, as to "electron flow" vs. "positive charge flow". Re-read the last paragraph! All sorts of wierd engine performance problems have been traced back to, and corrected by, simply reversing the coil primary connectons. Now, you all know damn well that the shop bill write up seldom told that it took the knowledgeable local guru tune up mechanic 5 minutes to figger it out and correct the problem. A Sun Scope demo and an eveining in a Champion Spark Plug training session would prevent this long line of discussions. Sadly, them days are part of the past. I'll do what I can with individual e-mail help discussion on this. Watch the future... The Model T Ford's "low tension magneto" is about to (again, 90 years later) become a tremendous automotive science technical breakthru, in the next few years. No starter motor, no alternator, all solid state controlled with stuff on the flywheel. Get ready for my questions while overhauling my Farmall 450 hydrastic control thingee. Hank