Here's a picture of our loader. It's a Massey 165, with a crankshaft driven pump that is plumbed up to use the rear end as the reservoir.I'm thinking I'm gonna make up some cylinder stops once I figure out how long to make them, and then I'll be able to disconnect the hoses for the dump and then run lines for angle instead. I can't just connect to the bottom pins and run a chain to the loader frame, because, for whatever reason, the cylinders are on the bottom instead of on top like every other loader I've ever seen. I've got a lead on a 7 1/2 ft. plow for around $200, and once I get it I'll make up a frame to mount it to the loader, and then hook it up and give 'er a test run. I need angle because I can't just push the snow to the side like most, I have to push it down the driveway and pile it up. No room on the sides to push it otherwise I would. Need to be able to angle it so I can control how much goes out either side. If I get bored, I could probably make up some mounts so it can go on the front of one of our other tractors too... Donovan from Wisconsin