I would like to respond to today's feature article about removing dents from gas tanks. I tried the exact same proceedure on a gas tank. The end result was I blew the tank into a flat piece of tin, I myself landed ten feet back inside my shop on the hood of a stock car, busted my torch, cut my leg, and fractured my thumb. I had a large spool of solder sitting on the tank which I couldn't find after the blast. My wife swore something hit the house, about a hundred yards from my shop. A couple of years later when I happened to be on the roof of the house, I found the spool of solder in a rain gutter. If anyone else wishes to win the annual Darwin Award, more power to them. I, personally, will not EVER, EVER, EVER again approach a gas tank with an open flame. I theorized after the fact that filling the tank with water with a small bubble at the area to be mended actually compresses gas fumes to cause an even larger explosion.