Um, that doesn't sound good, could have flat lined. ----- ----- --- Theoretically the x-ray machines shouldn't hurt them. If they are going to get hurt it is at the hands of a human, whether that be TSA, daughter, etc. If it isn't out of warranty then I would call the manufacturer and see what they have to say about it. Even if it is out of warranty I would call and ask, if they say it will cost up front tell them good bye and go to option 2. 2. She could always take the battery out and then put it back in (when it is unplugged). I don't know why, but that seems to fix multitudes of problems. However, if that doesn't do it then you can try the next option. 3. You can hook it up to a regular monitor to see if the thing is completely flat lined or if just the monitor is funky. If the other monitor can read the info, that is at least a light at the end of the tunnel (whether it is an oncoming train or not is another story). I would back up the data just to be safe. If you want to be sure, you could take it to some techie and ask them to check it out (preferably for free) and get their take on it, but that is up to your daughter. Since it is cheaper to get a new laptop (then to replace the monitor) you just might want to keep an eye out for some since there will probably be a few on sale. I know Compusa is going out of business after xmas and will probably have a some decent prices on laptops. Whatever you do, don't get their extended service contract (since it will be like sending me a check out for no reason - you won't get anything back).