Will Rogers once said something to the effect that, most folks are about as happy as they set their mind to be. Some folks choose the drama of a soap-opera lifestyle; others get caught up in it, and don't have the will [or whatever] to get off the merry-go-round. When I was in high school, I was talking to a friend and bemoaning how life wasn't treating me as I thought it should. My friend looked me in the eye and said that if I wanted things to change, it was up to me to take matters into my own hands and change them. You may feel powerless, but you HAVE the power to change the course of your life. Isn't the definition of insanity doing the same thing over and over, and expecting the results to change? So if you want different results, it's up to you to change what YOU'RE doing...especially because you really can't control the actions of others. Think positive, and don't give up hope that you can effect a positive outcome. I think Christmas is overrated, personally ...probably because my first wife died 5 days after Christmas in 1992. But I can choose to either be with family and friends over the holidays and enjoy them, or I can choose to be alone. The choice is mine alone. I simply choose NOT to be miserable and feel sorry for myself. Since it's been 8 years since your divorce, I would suggest that you move on with your life. Life WILL move on, with or without you. Choose to be a part of it, and the whole world looks brighter.