I finally got my "54 Oliver S55 running today, after sitting for the better part of a year. Maybe 9 or 10 months. New governor linkage & assembly, points, plugs, rotor, condenser, cap, wires, coil, battery, and probably some other things I don"t recall. Oil change & sediment bowl cleaning, added new gasoline & Sea Foam.Fired up and ran well, but I did notice a lot of smoke from the stack, something that didn"t happen much a year ago. At first it looked slightly blue, which I believe means oil. Within 3 or 4 minutes it was just about completely white. Doesn"t that indicate water somewhere? The engine sounded good. It had plenty of power, but there was a lot more smoke than I expected. I ran "er for maybe 20 minutes or so at various engine speeds and it smoked (white) just about the whole time. For you more experienced than I (which means everyone): What do you think this means? Something to worry about? Anything I need to address? Any info is very much appreciated. Thanks, and a wonderful New Year to all.