What exactly do you mean by 19 cents per KWh? Also, did you get them property-tax-exempt? I did, but I had to fight it. Where I live in NY, the supposed rate is 13 cents per KWh - but once you figure the true cost it's much more. The last bill I got before going to solar was $81.34 total for 450 KWh. So, even though that bill shows 13 cents, it actually comes to 18 cents per KWh. I've got a 5400 watt solar-array with Kyocera 190GTs, grid-tied but also with full battery backup via a 48 volt Rolls-Surette battery bank. Twin Outback inverters,hub, etc. Iota 48 VDC charger to keep batteries up via a diesel genset if ever needed (never happened yet). Had to build a barn for it away from the house in order to catch what little sun we get. We make about 20% more electricity each year than we use. If we lived out in the southwest, we'd be making twice as much. About saving money though? I don't know about that. Peace of mind and independence, yes. My system has a price sticker of $50,000. I paid $18,000 out-of-pocket, and the rest I got back in Federal and State incentives. Even so - if my normal bill was $1000 per year, this thing has to last 18 years with no problems to even break even (at current grid rates). I'm still glad we did it though, and I regard it as a lifetime investment. If we move, so will the panels. 
