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Wasted Effort

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Allan In NE

12-31-2007 15:29:37

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Hmmmm, That didn't work; still not enough ballast.

So, tomorrow I build one out of 10 IH 100 pounders and throwing on the chains like Migraine, Cliff and a lot of others have been urging me to do.

If that doesn't work, afraid I'm gonna have to put the loader back over on the big tractor even tho it's a diesel.

Snow drifted all afternoon. So far, I've spent the winter just "diggin' out. :>)


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Lee in Iowa

12-31-2007 19:19:06

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
1500 lbs of wheel weights and and a bale on the back still working on my 856. I put on the chains when I have to but most of the time a bale is enough. The first tractor I bought started raining on the cab window on the way home never liked fluid in the tires before or since. I can take the weights off if I need to and fix a flat myself if I have to. I guess I always figured the fuel I saved with a diesel would more than pay for the electricity to plug it in. But I've been wrong before, anyhow good luck whichever way you go. Lee

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Dairy Farmer in WI

12-31-2007 18:52:37

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
hey why don't you just put the 3 pt drawbar through the handles of the weights. you know what kind of weights those are? cuz i got some of them too but can't figure out what brand they are.
DF in WI

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Allan In NE

01-01-2008 03:09:40

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Dairy Farmer in WI, 12-31-2007 18:52:37  
Just trying to keep 'em from "slidin'/bangin' around" back there.

They are Allis Chalmers weights and they don't have the provision for the "cinch bar" like the IH weights do.

Dunno, gonna try this one more time with the IH stack and if that doesn't work, think it is about time for a trip to the tire shop.

Know darned well that a little calcium will tie 'er down. Just didn't wanna spend the cash if I didn't have to. :>(


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John A.

12-31-2007 18:23:44

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Alan, I tend to agree with MN Scott, If your tires are not loaded then they need to be for just run of the mill farm chores. Then leave studs to add the big wheel wts on the outside, as needed in the winter. Of coarse you can put 1/2 wt style on the inside as permanent wts,and forgo the liquid ballast, or leave the liquid in permanent.
The only other option is the 3pt wt setup, that is used seasonaly, and keep that Hydro as light as possible for the rest of the year.
Anyway too many options to consider, and the snow keeps getting higher, and time is of the essence.
John A.

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John A.

12-31-2007 18:22:27

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Alan, I tend to agree with MN Scott, If your tires are not loaded then they need to be for just run of the mill farm chores. Then leave studs to add the big wheel wts on the outside, as needed in the winter. Of coarse you can put 1/2 wt style on the inside as permanent wts,and forgo the liquid ballast, or leave the liquid in permanent.
The only other option is the 3pt wt setup, that is used seasonaly, and keep that Hydro as light as possible for the rest of the year.
Anyway too many options to consider, and the snow keeps getting higher, and time is of the essence.
John A.

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Steven f/AZ

12-31-2007 18:06:36

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
We refuse to own a tractor with a loader that doesn't have the rear tires loaded. Most tractors out there cannot easily carry enough cast weight to properly ballast them, and the chloride puts the ballast right on the tread where it needs to be.

Even the MFWD tractor got the chloride before it was ever delivered! Hanging 1000 lbs of hay way out in front of the axle turns it into a teeter-totter...

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12-31-2007 18:01:35

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Allan, your idea is good but you lack the fact you need the weight out as far as you can. Thats why I leave my back blade on and hang the suit case weights on the blade. Gets it out back a long ways and doing so works well

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Brian G. NY

01-01-2008 06:53:21

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to old, 12-31-2007 18:01:35  
Hey Old, I've been hanging 4 suitcase weights on the back blade on my WD Allis for a couple of years now. Works really well as ballast and I find it helps when i'm grading with it also.

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01-01-2008 08:20:46

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Brian G. NY, 01-01-2008 06:53:21  
Yep. I have 6 suit case weights on my back blade plus the tires are full of fluid, and I still have a hard time moving my round bales of hay with the loader but my bales are around 2000-2500lbs

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12-31-2007 17:59:29

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Another Doug, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
As I have no experience pushing snow, I can't relate. However, a bale of hay and a stack of weights are two different things. Using the weights tucks the weight closer to the tractor. However the bale of hay will put more weight farther behind you. If you run out of weights, slip the load farther back behind you, works just the same. Good Luck.


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12-31-2007 17:50:18

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
That was me last year about this time... moved snow for 6 - 7 weeks... have'nt had much winter yet this year... a bit o' the white stuff on the ground, cold & blowin', but most of it went over your way. Enjoy! (Spring is ony a few weeks away!) D

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El Toro

12-31-2007 17:41:31

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
You will be alright with chains. They will make a big difference. Send some of that snow East. Hal

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01-01-2008 07:46:12

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to El Toro, 12-31-2007 17:41:31  
Whatever you do, DON"T GET A TRACTOR WITH FWA. I was told on here last week that they are useless in snow and ice. Not sure about your ice, but I bet our snow is about the same as your snow only colder. Surprisingly enough, when the cash is up front I see a lot more FWA and 4WD tractors pushing snow in the oil fields than 2WD with chains. But I guess we're just stupid (as has been pointed out).

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12-31-2007 17:11:21

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
I wopuld agree with MN Scott. Trctor tires on icy surfaces are worthless without chains, no matter how much weight.

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Allan In NE

12-31-2007 17:30:34

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to RAW in IA, 12-31-2007 17:11:21  
I agree,

The kicker is tho, that it isn't ice I'm fightin'. Just snow, heavy bales and no fluid in the tires.

Darned thing worked just fine when I had the bale on the back.


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01-01-2008 01:30:13

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 17:30:34  
Why not just carry an extra bale on the back? Chris

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Mike (WA)

01-01-2008 08:28:49

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to super99, 01-01-2008 01:30:13  
With the bale back there, he was afraid he'd back over some of the calves when he backed up. Couldn't see them, and couldn't keep them away from the bale.

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12-31-2007 22:57:24

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 17:30:34  
To be honest, frozen ground isn't much better than a little bit of ice. Tire chains are still the way to go. We don't have to fight much ice every winter, but our 165 is pretty much useless on any frozen ground with a little snow cover unless it's either a wet snow (only thr 1st one of the season ussually) or it has the chains on.

Chain 'er up and be on your way.

Donovan from Wisconsin

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I don't have a name

12-31-2007 16:39:53

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
If you get hold of a set of chains you most likey won't need the weights anymore. I use the small ring chains myself, they work good and cost less than some of the other ones.

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Tradititonal Farmer

12-31-2007 16:30:29

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
A 3'X3'X3' block of concrete will weigh over
4000 lbs

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mitch furness

12-31-2007 16:08:32

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Allan do you put water in your rear tubes? Would have to be freeze proof though. That would add a bit under a ton per wheel???

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Allan In NE

12-31-2007 16:17:49

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to mitch furness, 12-31-2007 16:08:32  

I'm just trying to do this one on the cheap.

I've got all these darned weights laying about, might as well be using them.

Cliff and Migraine both have a heck of an idea using a standard IH front end bracket. Maybe tomorrow I'll try building one of these.

A guy would sure think that a thousand pounds and the chains would make 'er go.


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Dairy Farmer in WI

12-31-2007 18:36:40

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 16:17:49  
you should get ahold of say.... a 100 gallon tank that ounts on the 3pt. just fill it up with water but leave a little room for the water to expand and let it freeze but that looks like it's wokin' for ya. or what i do sometimes is to bolt a few wheel weights to the 3pt arms. easier then liftin' them by hand onto the wheel! just be sure ya got good sway blocks :)
DF in WI

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Mike (WA)

12-31-2007 16:06:03

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
I replied to your thread below- need to make a big concrete lump, with 3 point connections imbedded- can be as high as you want, to get the desired weight. Install an air horn to warn the yearlings to BACK OFF. Or you can do like I did in 1985- sell all the cow critters, so you can sit by the fire in the winter and smoke cigars and drink whiskey, wondering how the poor people are doing. As a former denizen of this board used to say, "Have a gooder" (remember him? Its been a long time).

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Glenn F.

12-31-2007 15:45:17

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
I'd still be lookin' at tire ballast?

Winter feeding is the perfect application for a gas tractor with a cab.

Glenn F.

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Allan In NE

12-31-2007 16:07:55

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Glenn F., 12-31-2007 15:45:17  
I know, I'm fighting with myself.

SOOOO spoiled with that darned hydro.

Just really don't want to wake up a diesel every morning and be "wastin" that expensive clutch.

One thing about it, that 1066 is a "brute" loader tractor tho. :>(


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MN Scott

12-31-2007 16:17:02

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 16:07:55  
That 10 may be big but those big tires would slip just as easy as your hydro without chains. Chain the hydro up, fill the tires with salt water, add some more cast iron and go push snow. You don't wanna mess with the diesel when you have the perfect winter tracor in that gas hydro.

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Dean Barker

12-31-2007 15:38:18

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Allan, if you have snow to move, get a snowblower for one of your tractors. Beats a loader 100 times over, makes country livin enjoyable.

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12-31-2007 15:37:28

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 Re: Wasted Effort in reply to Allan In NE, 12-31-2007 15:29:37  
Join the club on shoveling out. Plowing snow with our old LAI isn't gettting rather tiring. At least it has a counterweight on the back.

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