It looks similar to my LP ford tractor, same tank, and I thought I could see the vaporizor int he photo, looks like an IMPCO. I'm still not entirely sure at what temperature these systems start to act up, but low 20's seems to cause me problems here. Assuming the LP is not vaporizing and you are getting liquid, somehow you need some heat on the fuel system. I leave the tank off on mine and put it inside, install it when I need to start the tractor, tent off the engine compartment and get some heat going, even locally onto the vaporizor/carb via say a wagner heat gun, what have you, just use care, it does not have to get hot, just warm. I don't like open flame due to the fuel involved, make sure you have no leaks, even that heat gun would set it off I supppose. Once it fires and you can keep it running, it should have a coolant line circulating through the vaporizor, once that coolant it warmed, the vaporizor will stay warm. I've had my tractor out in below zero weather, but I started off from a heated garage, never had any trouble that way with the fuel system, but from a cold start it is a different story, also found that putting a rebuild kit into the vaporizor made a difference on fuel consumption and cold starts, mine was leaking internally, seems a little easier to deal with in the cold now.