I have a old Neptune (one of the first) that has less than 30-40 loads total use. It was around $1,150.00. I was told by the dealer that Maytag dictated they could not advertize it for less. It started the first load throwing the belt, and they said to much wax when they cast the belt. I scraped with a sharp utility knife, gas etc. and it worked for aditional 25-30 loads and went dead. It is a major job getting in and out of the basment so I tried to do it all myself. I was told my basment was probably to damp, I told the dealer something about shoving something to a damp spot. It still sits in basment as I can't bring myself to throwing it away. I would guess it was purchased about ten years ago. Mine being one of the first lets a cup of water just inside the door so cloths had to be removed carfuly. It was supposed to save water, who knows?. I must say it did a great job spin drying the cloths, but I think it was one of the hardest lessons I learned in life. When Maytag bit the dust, I felt bad for the workers, and laughed at managment folks. I don't even care for the height it holds my bead blaster at for the last nine and a half years. The top scratches easy with large chunks of steel being drug across also. I will never get over my complaining, ask anyone in town, they all know the story. They have heard it often. I figure cut my losses and complain till I die is the best I can do.