heres another one. I read down the responces, and thought about them. Theres some things i should say. This still isnt the nice site i found in june. Most of the people havent changed, but some have. I plan to hang around some, but not as much.I would like to thank everyone here for not feathering me a few mounts back, and for continuing to support me in whatever is is i did or was doing. My H hunt will continue, and this site is unbeatable for fast, dead on answers from old folks with experience. Thanks for your responces to my previous thread, i diddnt expect that at all. My intention was to say bye so you wonderful people diddnt think i rolled a tractor or ran myself over or something. Like i said, i'll be around here, i'll check in every day or so if anyone has any questions for me or so i can chime in on people's questions. My E-mail is still always open. You havent heard the last from me, i'll be here. Off into the sunset i go :-) As for your responces, msb, thanks for pointing out that H, supper 99 thanks, 730 virgil, i have cut down on doing stupid things and now rarely pull any stunts, thanks for the concern, LenND, i will, Mark, good story people do strange things, Vito, thanks for everything from helping me around the site to sticking up for me at times, it means alot, Jerry, i'll try, thanks!, Redneckelmo, thanks, old, you have a good point there,Georgeky, thanks for the advice, i never felt you were scolding me. tractormialis, thanks for the complement, chads, thanks for the responce, fixerupper, i'll try, its hard. dave from mn, i know, sorry for doubting, missouri ford man, thanks alot, moll, i will. Traditional farmer, i cant wait :-) steveormary, huh? T-bone, Thanks. Wow, that was hard. Thanks for everyone who read