hey jim, I put a johnson, made I think in wisconson, I got it from HUD-SON up in barneveld ny,, I put in the bigger one I forget what the square footage was for it , but it is big enough to do the house and the shop (when I buid it). I figured it would pay for itself after 3-5 yrs ,, I have all the wood I will need up on the top of the property, It will use a bit more wood than an inside stove, but , all the mess is outside, no smoke dust, bugs, etc in teh house, no hauling wood inside, I had a wood shed close by the stove,, now I use trailers loaded and placed in front of the stove , a whole lot easier to load that way,, the cost of my whole unit I am putting around 8,000,, the piping is expensive, you need two runs of it with no spices, @ about 2.50 a foot,, plus the main circulator pump was 500, and I have 4 zones @ 250 each,, approx,,,, insatll was probably 1000, give or take,, I put my pipes 5 feet in the ground, figured that would be deep enough,, and only put the round insulation around the pipes, [this is made for the pipe--both runs lay inside and it close around them],,,, IF I was to do it over again, I woudl maybe build a box and stuff it with insulation in addition to the round piece, I do get a little heat loss thru the ground towards the middle of the season,, not enough to make a difference in the heat to the house though, I love the outdoor stove compared to my inside wood stove I had in the old house , as it is connected to the baseboards and the WHOLE HOUSE stays warm , comapred to the inconsistancies of the wood stove,, I did put a back up propane "woodstove" in the living room, just in case,, hope taht helps pat