Looking into adding to a wind break around the house this spring since all of Allen's in NE snow keeps blowing across here. The extension service can provide the trees at a discount; however the trees are not the expensive part. The "fabric weed barrier" is big $$$ Last windbreak rows I put in, the ground was disked, then I mulched after planting the trees with free mulch near by town gives away (and even load onto your trailer for free). Ended up with nice rows that I could work or mow along and the trees took off well. The "fabric" is supposed to do as good a job as the mulch (supress weeds and retain moisture) but is high dollar $. I am worried about my free mulch supply, "free time", and my back pitching all that mulch. My question to all of you is: a. Is there a place to get the "fabric" cheaply? I tried all local sources, seems the places in town that do landscaping are really proud of it. Even big $ on ebuy. b. What is the difference in the "fabrics" noticed the cheaper ones are out there but are paper thin compared to the expensive and thicker ones. Can you skimp here and get results? c. Is there a good substitute for the fabric that can be obtained cheaply? I am looking at putting in approximately 3000 feet of additional windbreak, about 4 foot wide. Need either 4 foot by 4 squares or just a straight run of 4 foot by 3000'. Thanks.