01-14-2008 11:22:03
Sunday I had to do some cleaning up around the place and some errands to run. Got done early so I decided I would start "wrasslin' " tractor tires around. Wooo-Weee ! Forgot how heavy them things can be not to mention all the man-handling needed. Changing tires is not a one man job - good thing I have still have my teenage sons around to help.
Moved my WD tires and wheels and thought - Humphh not that bad. While I am in the mood why not do the other tire work that is past due.
1. Went and picked up a pair of loaded 16.9x38s on spin outs- NO CENTERS. Loading them was ok but unloading proved tough. Sweat, sweat
2. OK - let's swap out the bad tires on the Oliver 1650 with these new 15.5x38 tires and spin out rims WITH CAST CENTERS. Grunt, groan, Whoa - don't let the tire fall. . . Dam now gotta get it back up :x . . . SWEAT, SWEAT, GROAN, GROAN
3. Now take the 16.9x38s and the old Oliver tires (15.5x38s) down to the shop. Whew take a breather and let the tractor do this work . 4. Alright boys get off yer hands and let's start man-handling these 4 beasts again and get them positoned out of the way in the shop. GROAN, GROAN, Hey son - get over here. What? :shock: Yer tired? Well me too and I'm twice your age! Guess your old man is STILL THE MAN 'ROUND HERE EH? :P HUFF, HUFF, PUFF, PUFF, GROAN, GROAN, SWEAT, SWEAT, GROAAN some more
5. Mother . . . where's the IBUPROFEN, my back is killing me.
PS - if anyone needs a pair of Duro Trac 16.9x38s with spin outs look in the want ads for ShepFL. [img][/img]