Agpilot: In the early days of YT, e addresses were printed right out in the adds. They worked well for me back then, however folks were complaining about having their e addresses exposed. Kim came up with this new system of the YT transmitted responce. My thoughts are, your not a very successful sales person if your going to try and be selective about who responds to your add. I don't agree with this new policy, in fact I don't even agree that one should be able to take part in discussion and not expose one's e address. My point, if your going to make a statment on a public forum, then you best be prepared to take public heat. I have close to 30,000 posts on discussion, lifetime. I have exposed my e address in every one of those postings. I do not reveive much spam or junk mail as a result. I quite regularly do business with folks I've met at YT, both buying and selling. As long as they are YT regulars I do extend credit to buyers. I've shipped numerous items to regulars, advising them to pay me upon delivery. I've never been burned. I've also purchased numerous items I know were shipped before the vendor received payment. I'm not trying to say everyone world wide is honost. I never buy an item sight unseen, that is more valuable than what I can afford to loose. I will not sell an item over $500. sight unseen. To many crackpots out there think one should get a like new tractor for less than $1,000. The way I see it, if one wants to growl about the tractor, he may as well do it in my dooryard, I'll keep the tractor and he keep his money. Plain and simple, if one is not rich enough to afford some loss, and or not smart enough to sort out the crooks, he best refrain from the business of buying and selling. There is a trade off between how rich and how smart. Rich folks don't have to be exceptionally smart, and by the same sign smart folks don't have to be exceptionally rich.