There is a place similar to what you describe, he sells A&I, repairs tractors and Ag equipment, southern end of the next county north where farming still has a foothold, not sure for how long, but I ventured up there for some parts last year. They looked busy, even sell hay, we got to laughing at some of the more discerning hay buyers requests, small squares/horses, but it was good meeting them, they still do about 16,000 small squares, good to find another source close, hay was getting scarce when we had all the rain '04,'05 '06, so I try to keep track of anyone baling in the area. We had a ford dealership late 60's - mid to late 70's and also sold a myriad of other things, people used to also stop by and visit after work hours and so forth, kept 4 mechanics, a bookeeper, and 2 parts people busy, until ag really went in the drink, then tried to sell the construction line, did well on that but ford hq wanted the other dealer in our area to sell const/industrial, was a shame I always thought it could have diversified into something else with equipment lines and so on, was kind of a neat place, huge shop and parts dept. I often envisioned what could have been after ford was told to take a hike after we sold 29 backhoes to the power company, they became a little stubborn, were told to get there junk off the property after they tried to impose some unacceptable finance terms on the deal. There used to be a fair amount of BS and hanging around on occasion, just have to keep work seperated, some people don't know when to leave or when you're busy, you're busy. Overall though it was a great place to have experienced growing up, lot of history, and those 3 brothers we had for mechanics were examples of a lost generation, remember finding a payroll book once and they sure did not make much back then. I hope it works out, do crunch some numbers and see how things are going to work, be prepared for the worst and have a back up plan or exit strategy. I was up in the Sebewaing area in Nov '05, came in north of Detroit from Canada, through Lapeer etc. saw one JD dealer closing down, amazing to see that with all the land in crops around there.