Most of the Cletracs in my town have been here forever. The wide-track HGs were very popular farm machines and this is all dairy farm area - soon to be ex-farm area. McFaddens has a bunch of them at his place in Sharon Springs - but I don't think he's ever been found guilty of selling one cheap. He also has many little Terratracs which are pretty close to the Cletracs. Both use the same Clark transaxles, but the Terratracs have Continental engines instead of Hercules. Smiley's in Shoharie County also has a pile of them along with many small IH crawers like T5s and T340s. Again, he's not cheap either. I sometimes come across HGs and OC3s in this area - running - in the $600-$800 price range with private sales. For that price, I buy them - otherwise I pass. I've got over 20 crawlers as it is. In regard to the older Fords, e.g. 2Ns, 9Ns, and 8Ns, they are still around for $500-$1000. I just passed one up recently and maybe I should of bought it. 8N that was rebuilt, retored, new tires, and painted maybe 8 years ago - and then parked and never ran since. Tires went flat, it turned over but wouldn't start, etc. Price was $600. I went over and filled the tires (they held air) and also checked engine compression (it was fine). I then offered $500 and the guy said no. My neighbor bought it for $600 and had it running the next day. The same day, I went to Cobleskill and bought a good running IH B275 diesel with a front loader for $600. It needed one rear rim and two rear tires. I bought a used set of good 28" tires on rims from a local Ford tractor dealer for $100. So, got a pretty good 30 horse diesel tractor with loader for $700 total.