When I was a GM salesman, we ALWAYS had spare keys in the files for every vehicle in inventory. However, I was on duty on the used car lot one Sunday afternoon. We'd just traded for a car and hadn't made the spare keys yet. So, naturally, with people milling about on the lot that was the car that got the keys locked up in it. I got a "slim Jim" out of the shack and was trying to unlock the car when the slim Jim slipped and I stabbed myself in the forehead with it. Right then, two people walked up and wanted to look at that exact car and here I was with blood running down my face explaining that the keys were locked in it. Interestingly enough, they bought the car--after I got a Band-aid on my forehead and got the car unlocked. I always swore we salesmen should have gotten hazardous duty pay. I was on a demo drive with a young gal once in a car that no one knew the cruise control was defective on. When we hit 60 mph on the open highway, the gal hit the cruise engage button--and the cruise control pulled the throttle wide open. The gal driving panicked and froze. Thankfully, I had long enough arms to reach over and "blip" the ignition switch enough for the cruise to disengage. One of our other salesmen wasn't so lucky. He left the lot with a prospective customer driving a car and the customer drove right into the side of an 18 wheeler going past. The salesman spent a week in the hospital and the customer died three days later. Memories.....