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Kinda off topic, if you were handed....

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Dave from MN

02-07-2008 10:17:30

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a $15,000 check today for a job well done "bonus". What would you do with it, if you farm, only have a mortgage for debt, have decent retirement savings started, and wanted to make the most of it. Would you invest in stock market? Put in the best CD you can find, put it on your mortgage, expand your operation, or buy some livestock. Just kind of curious what different actions we would take.

Me, 50% on mortgage, 50% into the highest yeilding cd I can find. What would you do. Seriously honest answers please.

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02-08-2008 10:54:54

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Hi Dave,

This ones easy. A $15k investemnt in C (Citigroup) will pay out $720/yr in Divi's and if C repeats it's past cycle, you will have $1440yr divi's and $30k plus principle is less than two years time.

One has to remeber that even tho C lost $18b in the USA last quarter, C made $34b in Europe at the same time.


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Kent in KC

02-08-2008 07:54:25

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Buy 5,000 gallons of gasoline. What else will double in value in the next three or four years?

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02-08-2008 00:48:14

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I'd buy a brush hog, a corn planter and a disc, then use some to travel to dog training seminars. Bank some too. Or maybe blow some on a trip to Saskatchewan to hunt Hungarian partridge.


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02-07-2008 19:55:37

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
One third mortgage,one third added to my retirement, splurge the other third.

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02-07-2008 19:55:14

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
One third mortgage,one third added to my retirement, splurge the other third.

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TomH in PA

02-07-2008 17:36:11

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
If you have a balance on any credit card, that should be paid off first. That's the most expensive loan you'll ever have. Pay off car or other loans that are not tax deductable too, but don't put any into the mortgage unless you take the standard deduction.

I "invested" this year's bonus in new windows for the house. Not sure if the fuel savings will offset the cost of them, but the house is much more comfortable and it put the money back into the local economy.

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Duner Wi

02-07-2008 17:04:04

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Consider maxing out a Roth IRA and use the rest on mortgage. Roth is best deal in town and super deal the younger you are. No taxes on the Roth when you retire. Check it out.

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Duner Wi

02-07-2008 17:05:50

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Duner Wi, 02-07-2008 17:04:04  
PS you or the wife need earned income for the Roth.

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Rickey H

02-07-2008 16:59:26

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Thats about what I need, finish up the barn about 3500, a bale wagon 4000 and the rest in a few cows.. I'll be watching the mail box (grin) Rickey

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02-07-2008 16:34:34

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Pay down principle, land, critters ie cattle, gold, Ira's etc. As far as ira's,
will be nice to see if the rules to the game changes when we get ready to retire. Don't trust them bstrds for a second. Kind of like social insecurity, what an insult to my intelligence.!!!!!


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J.C.in AZ.

02-07-2008 16:24:08

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I think you may have the answer on your own,remember they are not making any more land. C D's are good to if investigated fully prior to deposit and you find what the rules are beforehand..JC

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02-07-2008 16:09:49

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Buy some john deere tractors-420-430-530 etc.In a couple years you will make more than a 10 year investment in the stock market or any fund or cd.

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02-07-2008 16:05:48

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
unless you have only a short time left on the mortage, forget the CD.

Paying down principal on the mortgage (or any other high dollar loan) gives you a huge saving at the end.

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02-07-2008 15:40:36

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
no finiacial man here,for sure but what is your interest rate on your loan and how much do you owe.....it might pay you to look into refinancing you loan because of lower interest rates now,especially if you can lock in the rate...paying $10-12k on the debt,putting away some for hard times, cash, and blowing some on having fun..... .. jobs may not be secure much longer..... .

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02-07-2008 15:36:15

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I would blow it off on another tractor, YEE-HAW!! :-)

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02-07-2008 14:38:43

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I would tell my wife about it in the excitment! She would tell me what I am going to spend that large amount on. lol lol

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02-07-2008 14:36:53

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
how about pay off the highest interest rate debt you have, and assuming that will clear the debt, take what you were making in payments and pay that on the next highest debt to pay off sooner. If you clear all debt, then pay yourself the debt payments I think Roth IRA is best thing since sliced bread. The sooner you get in the better it is. If you max out the Roth's for you and the spouse, then find an investment advisor and get into no load mutual funds. Has allowed me to retire 5 years early.

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02-07-2008 14:23:04

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Pay my LP bill...and maybe go buy lunch with the rest.

Naw, just kidding. I'd get the heads fixed on my S-10, get the 4x4 fixed, and get new tires for it. Pay my dad for the overages on my cell phone bill this month (you know why) I dunno, I'd take care of my big expenses staring me in the face right now, and squirrel the rest away until I start farming and can spend it properly. Probably put a few k in an IRA, and a few more k in CD's.

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135 Fan

02-07-2008 14:13:38

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
You must be one of the lucky ones who has a boss that really appreciates your work. I'd use some of it to upgrade some tools and equipment. This would help me save money in the long run because I could do more stuff myself instead of having to pay through the nose to send it out. Paying down any debts would be at the top of the list as well. Dave

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02-07-2008 13:32:23

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I have a small equity loan (less than $7K balance) I'd pay off.

No mortage, 0% loan on my truck so no advantage to paying that down, no other debt.

The balance would probably go into savings, as my IRA and 401K are comfy at the moment. SWMBO is a little nervous about not having a little bigger stash we can get at if we need it without delays or tax penalties.

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02-07-2008 13:19:11

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I'm no gambler so I always try to pay off my debts first. In most cases, that is the best use of money.

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02-07-2008 12:58:45

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
You might want to take a little time, s ther are any number of reasonable wys to go. So much hinges on your priorities.

Take a look around and see if you can find a mutual fund that invests in inflation-linked bonds as place to park it. (Be sure to look at any fees or restrictions on withdrawals, and figure that into your plan.) If when you go to do your taxes next year (or this for that matter) you find you're doing okay and you don't need as much cushion/liquidity, you might draw on that money to make a maximum IRA contribution for the prioyear, and still have some cushion left.

One thing to look at, anyway.

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02-07-2008 13:04:43

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to ScottyHOMEy, 02-07-2008 12:58:45  
I stopped a little soon. I assume this is taxable for 2008, so you'll need to set an appropriate amount aside for the taxes. Assuming yu're ekigible to make IRA contributions, making the maximium contributions to a traditional IRA will take some of the tax sting out of it IF you decide to make the contributions attributable to 2008. But you have until April 15, 2009, to do that, if you decide to got that route.

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02-07-2008 12:40:31

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Not educated enough in money matters to offer advice, but have been retired only 8 years and am 62 years old. Money ain't a problem. SPEND IT.

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MF Poor

02-07-2008 12:32:13

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Max out IRA contribution for the year. Balance spli equally amongst grandchildrens savings accounts I've started that they won't know about until they graduate high school.

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02-07-2008 16:54:08

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to MF Poor, 02-07-2008 12:32:13  
MF-poor Wonderful idea with the grandkids, but be careful how you handle that. Savings account in there name can bite them in the butt if they are trying for a college grant or loan, been there, done that. Check with a tax advisor.

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Dick L

02-07-2008 12:12:55

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Bargain days are here in the stock market. You buy when the market is down and sell when it is high. Mutual funds are a good bet for the people that do not want to spend the time needed to trade personally.

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02-07-2008 12:09:48

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Now that's a problem I'd like to have!

1/10 to God
And then probably:
3/10 on the mortgage
3/10 into cash (short term emergency-type funds)
3/10 on some quality stocks - split between growth stocks and dividend yielding blue-chip stocks

*As with any financial advice, the suitability of this depends on your individual situation.

There's a local financial guy that does a Saturday am radio show - keeps saying "the war is against INFLATION - don't win the battle and lose the war!" Makes sense to me. When the market is uncertain and is down, emotions tell us to "hang on to cash"; when the "right" thing to do is buy stocks when they are on sale!

/off my soap box now.


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Dave H (MI)

02-07-2008 11:46:28

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
If it wasn't for the phrase "decent retirement savings started" I would use it to travel. But the way you phrased that I think I would sock it away.

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Mathias NY

02-07-2008 11:37:53

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Off hand, I would invest with 4 high yeild CD's, 25% in each, staggering the maturation dates. Paying down the mortgage and student loans have their advantages, but may not be the best move at the moment. My wife is looking to quit her job next year to work full time on our farm and there is the potential for kids soon too.

We think we have planned well enough for the finances to work.... but there is always the oh-**** expense that you can't plan for.

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02-07-2008 11:32:13

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I'd pay off the 11 acres I got a few years ago and then buy more tractors and maybe build a building or 2 to hold the tractors. I would also invest it in a way that I could use it if I wanted to when I wanted to.

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02-07-2008 10:36:05

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
I think with the economic forecast ahead i would invest in things that would help eliminate future debt. hard to explain but if your mortgage payment didn't change and your budget is set to handle it why pay it down unless you could eliminate it? Maybe an interest bearing checking account, that way if you are set up now on a good budget, the money would earn interest and you could still use it. i faced a similar situation a couple of years ago. we had no credit card debt (don't even have one) so we invested in a chicken coop and put in a large garden. we cut our grocery bill down and i think i save more than it would earn in a cd (maybe not but i eat real good). Now i want to figure out how to lower my electrical bill. The money won't last forever but i figured it would stretch further if i could lower bills. Just my thoughts, i'm sure other people would think i was nuts.

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02-07-2008 11:31:23

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to duck1, 02-07-2008 10:36:05  
I'm with you Duck,
We're getting set up so we will need to spend very little. Currently making plans for poultry and a few cattle... more gardening this year than last & will continue to expand. My missus buys wheat and grinds our flour... makes everything we eat from scratch. Only things we buy at the grocery are "staple items". Also looking into alternative ways to heat and power our place. Like you, we don't use plastic... pay everything with cash. We're trying to live well while earning less... couple years ago I had a high-dollar (high-stress) job but realized we were paying much of my salary in taxes, so I quit. Our take-home pay is almost as much now as when we both worked a sit-down job... and now I'm free to take care of chores around the place that ultimately increase our net worth more than my job did. My guess is that income taxes will increase over the next few years (since congress refuses to make the tax cuts permanent) so we're working to get situated before that happens. Your logic seems completely reasonable to me...

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02-07-2008 10:34:13

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
25% in solar energy technology Company stock
25% on the mortgage
25% in stable but cheap growth stock
25% high yeald CD

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Ken Macfarlane

02-07-2008 10:33:56

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Well, what kinda of interest rate on your mortgage? Is it the farm mortgage which you can claim interest expense or just your house mortgage?

Is there weak points in your operation that cost you a lot of money in waste or repairs? Capital upgrades that could save a lot over time increasing profit? Are you in the long haul for farming?

The markets are pretty crazy right now, I watched my retirement savings gains from the last 3 years vapourize in the last few months. No guaranteed investments are paying better than the interest on my line of credit but you don't have debt you say.

I'm not sure how it works in the US, but in Canada our RRSP (your 401K I think) contributions can really pay off for some earning brackets. This money you got, do you have to claim it as income in one year? Can you apply it backwards and forward against other tax returns?

Any land or bank repo property around your area? I hear there are a lot of delinquent mortgages in US now.
Hope this gives some things to think about.

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02-07-2008 10:31:10

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
Interesting question Dave,
Me and my missus have been working diligently over the past few years to pay off all debt... nearly there. Don't mean to sound like an alarmist, but, it seems we could be on the verge of some economic challenges. Just as in the past, the ones who'll weather the storm are the ones who have prepared for it. I like your idea of cd's... although a bit less interest than some other investments, much less risk. Seems to me that the market is still a bit on the high side for my liking. If the economy does tank, many stocks will suffer. 'Sides, you can always move the money later once your cd matures.

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02-07-2008 10:30:22

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to Dave from MN, 02-07-2008 10:17:30  
We were talking about this sort of thing at the coffee shop yesterday. Wondering where to put our money with what's going on in politics and the economy these days. Gold seemed to be the winner in the discussion. Pay off debt if you have it,but as far as putting your money in to paper,somebody's promise to pay,might not be the best idea. Put it in something tangable that you can stand on,like real estate,or hold in your hand.

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02-07-2008 13:07:48

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to rrlund, 02-07-2008 10:30:22  
I'd pay off the debt.

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02-07-2008 16:30:58

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to centralilbaler, 02-07-2008 13:07:48  
Give it to the wife,she gonna spend it anyway.


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02-07-2008 16:09:18

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 Re: Kinda off topic, if you were handed.... in reply to centralilbaler, 02-07-2008 13:07:48  
Give it to the wife,she gonna spend it anyway.


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