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O T ** Old Saying **

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02-10-2008 06:13:59

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Early Last week we had some LIGHTING & THUNDER... and it made me think of the saying ** if it lighting & thunder in Jan. the rivers will come out in SPRING ** Was wondering if any of you guys & gals .. have any OLD sayings ... that you heard from your dad or someone that been around awhile .. now I wish I would of wrote some more down... Anyway I was just wondering ?? THANKS for Listening... Mark

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Old Roy agiin

02-13-2008 05:20:28

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  

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Matt Agnel

02-12-2008 15:38:14

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  

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Pooh Bear

02-11-2008 20:19:41

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
A mule dressed in a tuxedo is still a mule.

Give a pig and a boy everything they want

and you will get a good pig and a bad boy.

You have only failed when you fail to try.

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02-11-2008 09:20:49

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
My first captain was the smartest man I knew. He would often say:

"Better a thousand times careful than once dead."

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02-11-2008 08:46:11

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Thunder and Lightning, in a snowstorm, is the
"Backbone of winter breaking"

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02-11-2008 08:23:47

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
When there is not a cloud in the sky, it will rain within 24 hours!

Sometimes these sayings contradict each other.

Rain before seven, done by eleven!

If it is going to rain all day it needs to start in the morning!

Had a neighbor that used to get over these when we were hoping for rain in a dry year. Then would end the conversation with: "Well they say all signs fail in dry weather.

And a couple not weather related:

He who waits for a dead mans shoes goes barefoot!

Don't pee before the water comes!

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02-11-2008 07:15:36

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
From a wise old freind "A fellow"s a fool if he thinks he can cause something without becoming one way or the other the effect of it."

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02-10-2008 19:19:51

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
My grandfather was a blacksmith. People would always ask him how he made, bent, or shaped this or that.

His reply was always the same; "Ya gott be smarter than what your working with, I have a brain that peice of steel don't".

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dave guest

02-10-2008 18:11:10

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
From Mom: Every dog has his day. From Dad: Use your head for something besides a hat rack.

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02-10-2008 15:35:00

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Wow... I didn't expect so MANY replys.... Just show you there are GREAT guys & gals out there.... THANKS for ALL the replys... Mark

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02-10-2008 17:48:45

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 15:35:00  
I was so cold, I was shivering like a dog shi$$ing razor blades.

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02-10-2008 15:22:09

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
A farmer was walking out to the barn on a cold winter day when he saw a chick that had excaped the henhouse. The chick was all but frozen and he didn't have time to put it back. He looks around and sees a steaming cow pie. He scoops out a little hole and put the chick into it and covers it up to it's neck.

As the chick warms up, it starts peeping in dismay. A fox hears it and snatches it out of the cowpie and eats it.

The moral:

It's not always your enemies that get you into it.

It's not always your friends that get you out of it.

And when your into it up to your neck, keep your mouth shut.

As told to me by my CPO back in my navy days.

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doug in illinois

02-10-2008 15:14:17

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
One that seems to be holding true this winter, whatever the day of the month of the first snow is how many days it will snow. First snow was on 29th day of month, seems to be about right, most snows this winter have not been heavy, but snow none the less every few days. DOUG

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detroit deere

02-10-2008 15:11:48

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Isn"t it amazing that people will buy things they don"t need with money they don"t have to show off to people they don"t like.

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02-10-2008 14:32:31

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
grandpa always said - if there is a storm in the house, the best place to be is the barn- it is good advice

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02-10-2008 13:41:48

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
If a stream will float a straw in Jan it will float a log in July. Rain on Easter means it will rain the next seven Sundays. A red ear of corn means you get to kiss the next lady. The wind will let up as the sun goes down. Sure hope that helps here today. You can't out stare a mules A$$, so I will quit trying. Waste not want not. Plant corn in the dust and the cribs will bust. Golly, I guess I don't know many clean ones. Mostly hear the ones like sixteen will get you twenty.

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02-10-2008 13:39:05

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Also from my days in Marine Aviation:

"The only time you have too much fuel is when you're on fire."

"The glide distance of an airplane with a dead engine is approxiamately half the distance to the nearest runway."

"Any landing you walk away from was a good landing. If the airplace flies the next day, it was a great landing."

"A mid-air collision can ruin your whole day." (That has to be the ultimate understatement.)

"There are old pilots, and there are bold pilots. But there are no old bold pilots."

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True Saying

02-10-2008 13:21:12

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
"If she's got tits or wheels, she'll cost you money!"

Best advice I ever got as a young teenager with a budding interest in cars and girls.

Also a good reminder to us older guys who like old or new iron. I won't comment on the girls as I'm happily married and I asked for it so have no right to complain, but I suppose a few of you who are dating, married or divorced know what I'm talking about!

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Scott in SF

02-10-2008 13:05:26

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Grandpa always said no matter how hungrey you get in the winter don't eat the seed grain. My feeling is if it is is worth doing it is worth doing poorly. Just because you can't get it exactly right the first time dosen't mean you can't fix it later, just try!

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no deeres here

02-10-2008 13:01:10

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Pink sky at night, sailors delight
Pink sky in the morning, sailors warning

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MN Rick

02-10-2008 12:40:07

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
"Be careful what you ask for, you just might get it."

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02-10-2008 12:28:00

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Not an old saying, but came from an old-timer. I was in Nebraska on a LONG trip home and he gave me some priceless advice:

"Don't do anything stupid." So simple, yet so versatile and boundlessly useful!

How 'bout:

"Holy cats and kittens!!!"

"Holy buckets!!!"

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Vernon in Ks

02-10-2008 10:48:33

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Not really an old saying but one of my favorites

A farmer and his son had put up hay in the valley for 3 days. The farmer called his son over and said "go up on the mountain and ask the old Indian medicine man how bad the winter will be". the son goes and comes back that evening and tells his dad "the old indian says it is going to be a bad winter". So they put hay up for two more days. The father tells his son to go ask again. When he returns that night he tells his dad. "He said it is going to be a very bad winter". So they put up hay for another day. This time the father thinks maybe I should go ask. He makes his way to the old indian and asks how bad the winter will be. The old indian says " maybe worst winter in all time" The farmer is concerned and asks "how do you know this". The old indian points to the valley and says "Farmer puts up much hay"

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02-10-2008 10:43:17

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
A wise old farmer neighbor would say, "if it needs to be done today it should have been done yesterday".

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El Toro

02-10-2008 10:24:08

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
third party image

Hi Mark, My Granddad had 13 kids and was a sharecropper in SW VA and he would hire on help and they would keep asking "when are we going to quit?"

His answer was, "don't worry about the mules going blind keep loading the wagon." Hal
PS; Take a look at the snow pictures on the Farmall forum. They were taken in WA state.

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Fred Martin

02-10-2008 10:16:38

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
If ifs and buts were candy and nuts...also about the weather...mackerel scales and mares tails {cloud formations} make tall ships wear short sails. If your a cloud studier, the scales are little puffy ones in bunches, like scales on a fish and the mares tails actually look like a horses tail. You'll know them when you see them. Means high winds are coming. ohfred

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Dave from MN

02-10-2008 09:32:35

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
My personal saying"dont believe anything you hear and half of what you see"

Also, when some one was having what I call " a get together" my grandfolks and my mother always refered to it a "a doings". My wife laughed he butt off at that, said she neverheard that one. Remember, a pig roast was a "doings" a wedding reception was "a big doings", having a few neighbors over after 10:00 am mass to watch AWA wrestling was " a small doings after mass" Please tell me I'm not the only one whose elders used that phrase!!

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02-10-2008 09:23:24

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Thats the way it goes,
first your money then your clothes.

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Jim (Oh)

02-10-2008 08:25:20

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
You shake and shake a ketchup bottle, first none will come... and then a lottle!

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02-10-2008 08:19:36

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
winter thunder there will be a killer frost exactly 6 months to the day later frost in august?

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Mike (WA)

02-10-2008 08:18:22

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
My grandma talking about optimism during the Depression: "If we had some ham, we could have ham and eggs, if we had some eggs."

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02-10-2008 07:43:07

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Raining before 7, will quit by 11.

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02-10-2008 07:27:45

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
In ky. thunder in feb.wakes up snakes, early spring mabe. No. fogs in aug.= no. of snows in winter.

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Randy S

02-10-2008 07:19:34

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
If it thunders in Feb it will frost or flood on the same day in April. My wife keeps count of the days of thunder in Feb and she can always nail, a cool spell or big rain in April, down to the exact day.

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Jimmy King

02-10-2008 07:15:43

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Thunder in Feb. Frost in May.

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Ken L

02-10-2008 07:03:52

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
A couple times years ago when I would use the word "if" too much around my grandpa, he would say, IF the dog wouldn't have stopped to take a sh**, he would have caught the rabbit but, IF he wouldn't have stopped to cover it up, he would have caught it anyway.

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02-10-2008 07:53:15

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Ken L, 02-10-2008 07:03:52  
The "if" saying I hear a lot around here is " If Agnes had n*ts she"d be Angus"

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Don c

02-10-2008 07:03:09

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Why is there never enough time to do a job right but always enough time to do it over...

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02-10-2008 06:53:57

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Febuary fog will freeze the hair on a dog.

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02-10-2008 06:52:17

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
No matter what the task great or small do it right or not at all.

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02-10-2008 06:48:48

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
As the days grow longer the weather grows stronger>

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02-10-2008 06:45:05

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
"You can put a kitten in the oven, but that won't make it a biscuit."

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02-10-2008 06:23:24

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
Watch the willy worm. If it's fur is nice and thick. Bad winter is coming!

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Rain poem

02-10-2008 06:18:23

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Dutchman, 02-10-2008 06:13:59  
It's raining, it's pouring
The old man is snoring
Bumped his head,
went to bed
Couldn't get up in the morning

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02-10-2008 09:20:54

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to Rain poem, 02-10-2008 06:18:23  
From my days at sea===== ==

Red in the morning, sailors warning, red at nite, sailors delight.

from my days in the air-----

There is nothing more useless that runway behind you or airspace above you.

There are old pilots and there are bold pilots but there are no old, bold pilots.

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02-10-2008 09:49:33

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 Re: O T ** Old Saying ** in reply to HENRY E NC, 02-10-2008 09:20:54  
To the never ending question that was asked "Well, what do you know for sure?" I would reply; It Takes a big Dog to weigh a Ton!. And if money grew on trees, we would be a bit more careful how we Prune them. And when bringing home another piece of old iron and asked what is wrong with me, I tell them its what my therapist recommended to avoid the problems that most of his other patients suffer from? Migraine

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