Not much goin' on today, so I thought I'd post something. Girlfriend says next year she wants to get some sheep if we have the time. Since I've got a bit of sheep experience, I can set it up and we can work together on them. I used to raise Cheviots, but I'll never have another one of those in my life. Was looking at Columbias for a while, but I think I've settled on Polypays. Are they pretty hardy animals? They'll be living in n. Minnesota where it's cold. Cold. What can a guy expect to pay for a young bred ewe? Thinking of starting with just two ewes, selling wethers and keeping ewe lambs back for expansion. Polypays can do accelerated lambing correct? I won't be doing that right away, but maybe someday. Are there any Polypay breeders (ram service) in eastern North Dakota, northern Minnesota, or western Wisconsin? My mom does spinning and weaving with wool, so a decent fleece would be nice for her to play with, and decent meat build for market, too. Make sense? Thanks for any ideas!