Just for one thing - BSE, mad cow disease. Feeding on the food was supposedly alright. It wasn't. We also know that continual use of mobile phones can fry your brain. Some cheap phones were terrible and the recommendation was just that young children should not use them excessively We know that living near high power sources of electromagnetic radiation can be harmful. 20 years ago it was alright - nothing to prove otherwise. Now it has all changed. Beekeepers have known for years that bees are affected by these fields and emissions. Smoking has been touted by companies as good for you. Asbestos was the wonder insulator. DDT was an ideal insecticide. CFCs were inert and could propel almost anything from an aerosol can. With many of the new technologies you can abstain from using it. With food - perhaps not so easy. You are, as they say, what you eat. There, you have a few reasons. Paranoia is perhaps too strong a word. There again maybe it's not. Sooner or later there will be a slip up. Remember the Earth does not belong to us - take it as on loan from our grandchildren's children. Humans have managed to screw up so much in the last hundred years or so. Why should they break a habit of a lifetime? Just to feed the unecessary mouths of a population spiralling out of control? Where will it all end? Who knows? Hope that explains some of the paranoid reactions. Lets face it, there is enough food to feed the world. It is just that some have far too much and just grow fat and obscenely obese while others don't have enough to stay alive. There is more waste around this planet than ever before. Will that ever stop in time to save the people and the planet. Methinks not. Sorry if this upsets anyone, but I think it is quite near the truth of the matter. RAB