Why wouldn"t it be able to power a fluorescent light? On lights, my power company suggested them so I tried them. Got them at Wally and Home. Don"t know what gas is in them but they are the little spiral tube dudes. A 13w is said to replace a standard 60w incandescent. But it doesn"t the light output disperses much better and it may put out the same lumens of light intensity, but the distribution of the light makes it seem much brighter. Cost about a buck 50 and are supposed to last 7 years. Solar panels are usually low producers so it takes a lot of them to develop any usable POWER. Was just watching the History Channel couple of days ago on Modern Marvels. Were talking about the wind farm near Palm Springs, CA. Long way to the top of the tower, if you are light stomached on altitudes. Grin. They did mention that the problem with wind was that, even in that canyon where it supposedly blows all the time, it doesn"t and therefore you have to have something else ready to fill in the gaps, cause utility power has to be there ALL the time. I"d just get a small portable ac generator operated by a gasoline engine and keep it simple. Diesel would be better, but it would take awhile to recoup the cost of the difference and with diesel higer than gas these days.....but you could qualify for non-road diesel which doesn"t have the road tax (40 cents a gallon in Texas). Mark