Be real careful. Those first few years you actually don't get any cverage, they take your money & use county averages & then apply a penatly discount to your coverage because you are new. Hash this all out with your insurance agent & get it all in writing, what your actual coverage is. Back in the day the 1st year the fella talked me into better coverage, spend more. Turned out we had a drown out year, my yields were 1/2 of n=ormal. When I showed up at his office, oh, he reached back, handed me a slip od pink paper, new insured only covered 70% first year, only 90% of what others could get, yadda yadda. I went home & did the math, if my corn field was hammered down to zero yield, I would have recieved a tad under $15 an acre from them. Never was mentioned to me when he talked me into the 'better' coverage that would insure me to 80% of my normal - yea right. What a flipping joke that was. Programs have changed a lot since then so this has no relation to current insurance types. My point is, spend time on the new part of this, so you know what their coverage really is for a 1st timer. --->Paul