Go ahead and get the full set of caseholders for your Lee priming tool, by the time you buy three or four of them you would spend as much as the set. Actually, the Lee holders make perfect sense. Since the holders are thinner than a regular caseholder, the ram doesn't have to move as far. This allows the Lee tool to have a lot of leverage without a lot of movement. I generally steer clear of the Lee stuff, but when I got into handloading almost 30 years ago, the Lee tool was the only thing available for a cheap, auto-feeding priming tool. Today I might go for RCBS instead, but I do really like the Lee Auto-Prime. Make sure and keep your priming tool lubricated, especially where the ram rides against the cam. If you get even a couple thousandths wear in this aread, the tool won't have a long enough stroke to fully seat the primer. Could be very embarassing, to say the least. Of course, if you do wear anything out, replacement parts are cheap from Lee. One last comment. The Cadillac of hand priming tools is without a doubt the Sinclair. It looks like the standard (non-Auto-Prime) Lee, but it runs about a hundred bucks. Guess what case holders the Sinclair uses? Yep, it uses the cheap Lee holders.