If a standard delco 10/12SI will fit.. use it.. get a 3-wire job.. not the 1-wire. The 1-wire units generally need a few moments of real high rpm to self excite.. lots of antique tractors come real close to not getting high enough rpm to handle this, unless a pulley change was made. The 3-wire jobs will start charging at 400-600 rpm just fine. If the 10-si won't fit, look for a delco CS121 or CS130. ( the # denotes outside diameter in milimeters of the stator Has S,F,L,P terminals, and the bat stud. Only L and the bat stud are needed.. though you can use S as well. Bat stud to the charge system.. L is your excite line. S, if used, can loop down to the bat stud as a sense line.. again.. not needed..e tc. It's excite terminal needs 35-500 ohms of ressitance in line with it... and the battery hot terminal... also needs to be switched.. thus a line from t he ignition switch thru an appropriate resistor tot he L line will work. ( 35ohm/5w, .. up to 500ohm/ .5 w ) soundguy