Hi Everyone - Just heard tonight that a friend of mine was killed Thursday. An older retired farmer, he stayed busy with his old tractors and family. He was the kind of classy, respected, wise old fellow that you are always glad to run into. A little on the quiet side, but always with an interesting story and always interested in what you had to say, he had worked very hard most of his life and had been very successful at farming. The past few years he had been very involved with his old tractors, but not really from a collector's standpoint of seeing how many he could accumulate - most of his were being rebuilt and/or brought back from the junkpile as ones he had worn out early in his farming career. I probably only saw him 4-5 times a year, but it feels more like I lost a family member... He was cutting some pipe in his shop and something caught fire and burned him badly - they got him to the hospital, but he died shortly thereafter. Rest in peace, Clyde Adams, 76 - long-time farmer in the Oklahoma Panhandle. Howard