I appreciate the effort that some responders exercised in answering my engineering questions. As for the others, no I will not be considering another tractor. This 400 has a side-mounted IH/GE Electrall and it will only fit SMTA thru 660 and similar W models. The 13KW generator will not fit AC, H. SH, C, or any green crapola. This is the same tractor that I plan to convert into an Ice Cream making and vending unit. I already have the NSF freezer chest/soda fountain combo. It will attach to a front-mounted IH fast hitch. The White Mountain ice cream salt/freezers (4 or 5 ea) will go on the rear fast hitch. The ice crusher will probably drive off a IH cotton picker power supply gearbox. Fresh hot water will be conditioned with a heat exchanger. Still looking for a nice SS or aluminum 50 gallon water tank. May run the rotating freezer paddles with compressed air as the motors can stand indefinite periods of stalling. Ya, I am looking to save fuel. Aren't we all these days? I still need 1400 RPM. I will probably start testing the 400 with loose plugs wires on 3 and 4. I'll do more testing with 3 and 4 sparkplugs removed. It seems to me that the most efficient configuration would be to eliminate those pistons. I am somewhat worried that the crankshaft flywheel flange may fatigue and separate with extended usage.