What Farmall you rebuilding? Dont order the kit until you know what you need. I ordered mine early with standard bearings and ended up ordering undersized after I got it all apart. If you are doing a inframe. Pull the pan and measure the rod jurnals and the main jurnals. I know on a 560,706 gas you can replace the main bearings with out pulling the crank. Just put a brass nail in the oil hole in the crank and turn the crank and the top bearing spins right out. You need a caliper to do the mesuring. Harbor freight has them for like $20. Hard to mesure the mains with the crank in though. Also check the tapper on the jurnals. If one side is wore more than the other or out of round. You will need to pull the crank and get it reground. On mine the #3 rod jurnal was plum wore out. Had to get it built up and reground. I ordered the proper bearings from the guy who ground the crank. I would recomend that you buy the inframe kit with out the bearings and buy the right bearings as you need them. its possable you might need. 3 standard bearings and one 10 under. Just take you time and you will do fine. If you interested in my engine rebuild learing experience. You can check out my web site. Its in the section for a 706.