Is he also Sharon Springs Garage ? They have a location right down the road at what was an old JD, then Ford dealership( was Ford after we sold out ). They have a Kubota line out front, and are right next to Rifenburg Construction- Park East Sales which is their equipment division, you may have seen them doing road construction, they are a very successful company, working all over the state and now in NC. I was at his place, last time in '04, looked like they were fooling with several D8K's, having spent a lot of time on those I took a look at one in his yard and there were a pair further down the road, all looked to have new undercarriages, and in good shape, maybe gov't surplus painted yellow, who knows, and you're right there is a lot of tractors and equipment there, I know someone who grabbed a 3020 a few years ago, no nothing of JMAC's business ethics, do remember a lot about being in that business though. There sure is some nice hay ground over that way, I came in from east berne ended up on 20 somewhere, liked what I saw on the back roads over there, kind what it used to be like here.