KyPlowBoy, Since we are in neighboring redneck country, I just have to tell you this story. We also have the compactor and county pickup system, but several years ago we had the regular dumpsters where EVERYTHING went in, with no discrimination. Well, there were a couple of "way back in the country" families that routinely went dumpster diving to salvage aluminum cans and other treasures. As I patiently waited one day for them to extricate themselves from the dumpster so that I could dump my garbage, one of them came climbing out with great haste, heaving his breakfast gagging. His buddy asked him what was wrong and he replied, "can you believe some low-life scum threw a dead dog in my dumpster?!!"I didn't ask, but I sure wondered how anybody that could crawl thru rotting garbage on a daily basis, and look and smell as bad as he did, could possibly let one ole dead dog bother him that much! I guess it is like that John Wayne line in one of his movies - "A man has got to know his limitations." That ole boy sure found his. (Don't get me wrong - I am not above salvaging an occasional piece of stainless steel panel for my electrolysis tub, or other useful metal, but I for sure do know my limitations!