Got two T shirts (2 EX's). Never had any major arguments but if you pay attention....make that look back you can tell there were problems. The first divorce was in the 70's and no chance of a man getting the children. In 1990 I got primary care of a two year old, another unheard of ordeal. She had everything in her favor, a 14 yr old daughter, a new home, she was ten years younger than me. Now my point is getting primary care is no accident, you must get your ducks in a row as others have stated. A note book with exact times and dates mean something---"well one day this or that happened"....means nothing to a judge. Your hardest thing to overcome is she doesn't love you as you do her. That failure to admit its over can and will cost you the farm. Remember this...when you talk to her friends you love her and tell them you are having problems and do not want her friends to take sides, you just feel bad about the whole thing..... .(you are just sad and looking for ideas on how to deal with it. Then shut up and listen and remember to write down what is said there after. If your wife is not a real bowser her lady friends do indeed find her as a threat...They are uncomfortable if she is around their man. When a wife gets a new job, looses weight, new friends, wild life style, starts ignoring the kids. Many times they are in the mood for other guys ....Those words were told to me by a friend...I owe him my life. NEVER mention her friends coming to court--they will never say a word if they susect that. I would take a good guess she has another friend, or looking for a new nest, and she probably will offer bait for her trap. Have a friend check it out for you so you get the real picture. A very hard pill to swallow, but you must take the pill before you can get better. You are not to old to start over, but you probably won't understand that for now any way. The BEST attorney in the world can not win your case unless you have a list longer than your leg of facts to sort, and confront with---DAM>N IT WRITE IT DOWN. A new phone with caller ID ---hit the redial---or a copy of her cell phone records probably will tell you what you don't realy want to admit. NEVER CONFRONT her with your facts, keep your mouth sht and hide your notes and cover all your tracks. If you tell her your facts her and her attorney can be prepared for a answer in court. Keeping your mouth shut is very hard to do, and I've seen folks crap in their own mouth because they told someone the game plan---trust no one but your attorney till this is over. In your situation most folks already know the answer to the questions you asked.. IF a friend asked you the same questions????? HOW WOULD YOU ANSWER THEM? I would't want to wear your shoes, or wear your hat for a long time to come. Good luck in making the right decissions. A good talk with the banker, and credit card Co. with limits to large withdrawals may well be in order if I read mine and others T shirts correct. Just so you know taping phone conversations, using baby cams, or hidden cameras that are less than $35.00 at Wal-Mart are not legal in alot of states. They are usualy waste high in the video section...but illegal like I said! Baby cams to ---CHECK ON THE CHILDREN BECAUSE YOU SUSPECT FIGHTING, IS LEGAL, and they are very small so the CHILDREN can't find them especialy if THEY (THE KIDS) want no part of housework. Again learn to shut up with what you see the CHILDREN do. This seems unfair to your CHILDREN, but you can not play fair cards with the CHILDREN unless THE CHILDREN are playing fair as the rules of say... marriage.. are assumed. And if the CHILDREN are acting crazy or suspicious.....