Steve it is hard for alot of people. I understand that. Alot of people grew up with a goal to work for a certain company. I.E. When I get out of school I am going to work for Maytag, Ford, IBM, 3M, RCA, International Harvester,The steel mill, ect ect. That works well as long as there is a garantee that all these companies will stay stable and consistant. After ww2 up till the 80's worked great. So most peoples self worth came from who they worked for, not what they could do.With the way companies and economies work now.That just wont work any more. You cant count on staying at Ford for 30 years. Things are likely to change after 5 years. So you need to be prepaired. Now its about skill sets. Decide what type of work you like and develope a skill set to market your self in that field. Then keep ontop of the skills so when things change you are prepaired. That way you are defined by what you can do. Not by who you do it for. My self for example. I like working with my hands, Working out side, Like to drive, also like computers. My skill set includes: Sales, Supervisory,Military, telicomunications,Net working, Computer repair, Under ground cable locating, Human resources,Delivery, Damage investigation and resolution, Web Design, Plus I keep a Class A CDL just incase. Moral: If your on top of your skills the who you work for takes care of it self. Right now I work for the Phone company, Driving around, Instaling phone lines, Instaling DSL and doing home and bussiness net working. All the stuff I like. When and if I get laid off. Possable because these places are run by Idiots. After being disapointed because I like this job. I would have another job in about 3 days. Then another really good job in about 3 mos. And thats not dependant on who the president is. Who runs what oil company.What social program is in the news. Or any one else for that matter. It will be because I have planed for that event in advance. Its also nice not caring what your crazy boss does. If your on top of your skills. They have no power over you. You hold the cards not them. You dont have to work for a jerk.