If it is a hole of any size, I wouldn't try any radiator stop leak. Probably not a good idea anyway since it might clog up the radiator and reduce cooling capacity.Repairing hole depends on where the hole is. If it is in one of the flues(I think that's what you call the vertical cooling tubes) a common fix is to p;ug off that tube with solder. If it's in the top or bottom It can probably be patched easi;y if the radiator is in good shape. I would ask around for a good radiator shop. If you are going to the trouble of taking it off, I would try the repair yourself if the leak is in an obvious place. To test for location of leak, have radiator off, fill with water, have someone hold hands over hose connections, hold your hand over place where radiator cap was, use other hand to put air pressure in overflow pipe hole, watch for leak. It dosen't take much pressure. There are, of course, special tools to block hose connections with, but this is the cheap way. Do a search for soldering instructions, I've done it but don't feel qualified to give instructions. KEH