In NY for example you can check the division of criminal justice NYSDJCS sex offender data base and the dept of corrections DOCS data base, for free, very simple to use, your state should have similar data bases, the conviction descriptions are brief, but sufficient. Realizing that some or many people may have a less than desirable criminal background, and have or have not made changes for the better, is not something you'll find in the data bases, still have to read that person and make a character assessment. Granted, you may see a pattern or history of things that may alert you to certain things, nothing wrong with getting some information on someone even if a gut instinct tells you. Your kids will hopefully be educated as to what would be unacceptable behavior by an adult and what to do about it, this is important regardless. I had a real dud working at our horse farm and he was dealing oxycontin, + just being a real pain in the @ss, heard he had outstanding warrants, one day a sherriff followed me into the yard, and he went and hid in a vehicle, something was up, the sherriff saw the retgistration sticker improperly placed on a car I was driving, just a routine traffic stop, but when that guy went and hid, I knew something might be up. I very easily checked with 3 agencies in 3 states, NY, NH & VT to see if any outstanding warrants were on the guy, hoping to see him carted off, as I was going to probably do something stupid he was really getting on my nerves. Nothing turned up, but he was still hiding something. I finally got rid of him without any incident, told my father what a mistake that was to not check people, I left our place because of people like this, very hard to hold back, if I was younger, this guy would have been hospitalized. I turns out, the area near our place has a real high sex offender population, NYS Trooper told me this ! We are near Saratoga NY, so I did not think there were a lot of bad people around, wrong ! We have kids for lessons etc. I told him you have to check these people and make copies of their ID and other information, not like it was in the past.