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O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area.....

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Turke Bros. Far

04-18-2008 06:30:05

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In the past 2 weeks its getting REAL BAD around here! Locks on everything now, no gas in the tractors on the lot, no batteries in them. We had to take everything out.
A rash of break-ins, and stealing has escalated.
A neighbors house got broke into 2 days ago. Another neighbor 3 doors down came home from work and found a dump truck with NO name on it and trailer in front of his house, and someone in his back-hoe with it running. He asked the man WHAT ARE YOU DOING? The man replied he from some construction company and was moving this machine. My neighbor replied like He!!...I own this machine! The guy apologized and left. My neighbor didnt even think about getting a name or licence plate number.
And my cousin had a little motorcycle in front of his house chained to the utility pole with a FOR SALE sign on it. The next morning the chain cut...motorcycle gone!
Police said its getting bad by the day. With No work in Michigan, and scrap prices at a new record high, people are stealing. You cant shoot them, and cant threaten with a gun unless they are in your house. And you cannot protect your property but you can protect yourself. That is what he told me. And that is WRONG!
Now I have to lock everything up even the cows!

Beware and go buy some locks.

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dave guest

04-19-2008 18:44:21

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
I like warning shots with a 12 gauge. Done it 4 or 5 times. Got yelled at. Sorry

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Big Hunter

04-19-2008 02:44:29

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
it's a sign of the times. it's all in the bible

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Old Roy agiin

04-18-2008 20:57:50

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
$3.48 gas in pgh [tonights news] $116.00 a barrel crude.= You ain't seen nothing yet!!

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04-18-2008 20:21:50

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Is it poor starving people, lazy people with no morals or drug addicts doing the stealing?

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Gary from Muleshoe

04-18-2008 17:47:02

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Just the other day in Clovis, NM this mans only mode of transportation was a bicycle and someone cut his lock and took off with it. It is going to get to the point where people are stealing just to survive. I don't mean it's right to steal but time are getting tough. Then there is the people who would just rather steal than work for it.

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04-18-2008 17:20:13

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
I live about 7/10's of a mile back in the woods. The road is not a county road even. Yet my neighbor who has a small farm and lives across the road from me. Had his real nice truck stolen in middle of night about 5 months ago in front of his house! Also last year I an others had gas stolen off our boats that were docked on the lake. Mine happen two times in one month. Set up loaded gas cans but who ever this is doing this. Must be real close and never picked up the boat gas tanks. It's going to get a lot worst this year we fear.

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04-18-2008 15:51:48

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
I think the best answer is to have the bad reputation as a good shot! If you kill them, bury them as they did in the old west, say a few words over 'em and may god have mercy on their thievin souls!

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Nancy Howell

04-18-2008 13:35:57

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
This is not my opinion, but simply a statistic. States that have laws which allow citizens to obtain a permit to legally carry a concealed firearm have a lower crime rate. I'm not posting to stir anything up. Its simply a statistic.

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Brian in MI

04-18-2008 11:28:34

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
The "Castle Doctrine" in MI states that if an intruder intends to great bodily harm "OR" commit a felonly like theft.

An intruder must be making (or have made) an attempt to forcibly enter a premises uninvited The intruder must be acting illegally -- e.g. the Castle Doctrine does not give the right to shoot officers of the law acting in the course of their legal duties The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to inflict serious bodily harm, or death, upon an occupant of the home The occupant(s) of the home must reasonably believe that the intruder intends to commit some other felony, such as arson or burglary The occupant(s) of the home must not have provoked or instigated an intrusion, or provoked or instigated an intruder to threaten or use deadly force In all cases, the occupant(s) of the home must be there legally, must not be fugitives from the law, must not be using the Castle Doctrine to aid or abet another person in being a fugitive from the law, and must not use deadly force upon an officer of the law or an officer of the peace while they are performing or attempting to perform their legal duties

In addition to providing a valid defense in criminal law, many versions of the Castle Doctrine, particularly those with a "Stand-Your-Ground clause", also have a clause which provides immunity from any lawsuit filed on behalf of the assailant for damages/injury resulting from the shootings. Without this clause, it is possible for an assailant to sue for medical bills, disability, and pain and suffering as a result of the injuries inflicted by the shooter, or for their next-of-kin to sue for wrongful death in the case of a shooting fatality. Even if successfully refuted, the defendant (the homeowner/shooter) must often pay thousands of dollars in legal costs as a result of such lawsuits, and thus without immunity, such civil action could be used for revenge against a shooter acting lawfully.

The only exceptions to this civil immunity are generally situations of excessive force, where the shooter fired on a subdued, cooperative, or disabled assailant. A situation meeting this exception generally invalidates the criminal "castle defense" as well.

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04-18-2008 10:56:07

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Why I love Texas. As I've posted before we have the diffened your castle law which gives the home/land owner the right to shoot'em if there on the property with out your consent. Recently 3 guy's have been shot,1 fatally(no charges could or would be filed) for thefts while the home/land owner was home or had just drove up. The one that was offed was trying to steal a 150+ HP caseih from a farmer who he had stolen form before. Sweet revenge. Try to get some thing like that in your state. Crime will take a nose dive.

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04-19-2008 17:04:30

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Alex.C, 04-18-2008 10:56:07  
I love Texas, too. Ron White has a comedy routine where he describes that in Texas, if more than one eyewitness Identifies the perp in a capitol crime, the perp gets into the fast lane for quicker execution. While other states such as mine (MD) are trying to ban the death penalty, Texas is puttin in an express lane! Way to go Texas!

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04-18-2008 10:55:43

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Part of it is the law wants nothing to do with petty crime. I am not a farmer, but was raised on a farm, my non-farmer neighber was out in the field behind us " testing " his 4wd truck out in the mud. Sheriff said that I cant file a complaint because its not my field, I called BS on that and informed the sheriff that the 4 wheelin was coming to an end with or without his help, but that he would eventually be out, either to clean up a mess, or to simply ask the guy what he is doing, his choice. He was in my driveway in about 10 mins, and did go talk to the guy.

Neighbors need to stick together, that will help this stuff alot.


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04-18-2008 10:05:40

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Be interesting to know..... ..of those who advocate "shoot 'em and bury"; how many have you personally shot? or if you say "shoot their vehicles"; ever done that? I'm gonna guess not..... .Not only are those felonies (in most places), it's against the policy of Yesterday's Tractors to promote criminal actions and will get this thread deleted.

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paul sebek

04-18-2008 17:11:46

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to thurlow, 04-18-2008 10:05:40  
It's off topic it will get deleted anyway. I stated an opinion, mine. I'm not telling anyone to do anything. How someone takes it is not my business. We have a president as well as others that commit felonies left and right. Seems the mantra "It's only a crime if you get caught and they can punish you for it" is going strong. With an example like that I doubt anything I say will make any kind of difference. More like part of the choir. And if current events isn't enough, recent history and folklore has plenty of examples of dealing with thieves. Many by politically correct standards illegal. It's also an honest answer to a question that I've had to deal with on numerous occasions. And no I don't like the idea either but it sure rhymes well.

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04-18-2008 09:46:17

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Several places here we see this..."You cant shoot them".

Sorry, but thats why you have so much crime in your areas.
30 years ago we had that here. Kids were stealing gas at night from everything.
One night 2 of them got shot, Hospital they tried to get to was 60 miles away, only one made it there.
No one went to jail, never went to court, no charges.

Since then word got around, one farmer lost 200 gal of gas one night because he filled his storage tank with 00 buckshot, BUT he also got the thieves, they were lucky, they lived. Seems the Farmer was merely defending his lively hood.

We do have a video system, so if I don't see them in the act, it will.
About once every 5 years we have a visit by the local Sheriff Dept, you get you name in the paper and pay a small fine for discharging a firearm in the middle of the night.(disturbing the peace)

I have had NOTHING stolen in 30 years, they KNOW they WILL get shot. House and garage not locked, keys in the vehicles.

And I would welcome anyone out there who thinks he could get away with it...Yes I have 25 acres, a 12 ga shotgun, and a Backhoe...
My attitude is "Steal here, Die here" and all the locals know it.

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paul sebek

04-18-2008 09:40:51

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Shoot'em and bury'em. I doubt anyone will miss'em. Don't forget to scrap their vehicle to pay for the time and trouble. If you're caught just point out the crime stopped and they better read to understanding the constitution and US history again . Especially the reasons for US wars and the publics real reasons for fighting them which were mostly about keeping what we have.

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Walt davies

04-18-2008 09:26:21

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
You want to stop crime or put a big dent in it them put the criminals in jail and keep them there.
All I hear on the news is how they had to turn a bunch loose because they didn't have room for them.
Also put those cops on the take in jail and fire any that don't make arrests when they see a crime in progress. "I can't arrest him because no one has made a complaint." Jeez didn't you see him running out the bank with the manager screaming: "Stop thief." We have had people shot with all kinds of witnesses and they still said they needed someone to file a complaint.
Maybe I'm too old for this new modern world but in my days the police arrested people the courts put them in jail and kept them there. Walt

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Walt davies

04-18-2008 09:15:46

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
I lost a cow last month I think when I was in the Hospital. Put add in paper but no calls. Good thing I have insurance on them.
Neighbor lost a calf I guess it time hook my fencer back up and hide the wire attached to the gates.

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04-18-2008 09:12:03

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Gov'mint publishes the unemployment numbers but they only count those who are currently receiving unemployment checks. Those that have run out of benefits and have given up are prime for stealing. What is the worst that can happen? They can get a free room with a lover, three meals a day, and all the TV they can stand.

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Nancy Howell

04-18-2008 08:54:39

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
About a yr ago, we had a "snooper" around our farm -long story. We spent $300 on a logging chain for the driveway and multiple locks. Haven't seen him since I confronted him. Filed a report with the police. Police had a fit, told me I was wrong. Told me you should just hand over your stuff or you could get hurt. If folks are going to just hand over their stuff, why not be a thief? Don't know who I was madder at, police or the "snooper".

Several years ago we pulled down some of the rusty barbed-wire fences when my FIL sold his cattle. This "small voice" has been urging me to get the fences back up because you could drive across the pasture to the house and shop. James agreed. So last w/e we set the corner posts (in cement). This w/e we will run a new barbed wire fence even though both of us hate bw. Saturday we have a welder coming to look at the drive and build a real gate across the driveway. On the house, we've changed out one wood door for a steel door with dead bolt and will change the other 3 in the near future. This home sat undisturbed for 40 yrs. Now, we have to make it a fortress. Makes me angry.

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04-18-2008 08:50:53

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
You cant shoot them, but you can shoot there vehicle.

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04-18-2008 08:41:34

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Nashville, TN is experiencing a rash of catalytic converter thefts. A friend's truck was hit this week at the Park and Ride lot where he catches a bus. Trucks are easy to crawl into and the theif can be mostly out of sight while the cutting is done. And the cutting can be much faster than higgins could do it in the backyard on his car.My friend said there had been 2 others there during the last couple of weeks....

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04-18-2008 07:45:19

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
My BIL is keeping his boat at my place. In his neighborhood, aluminmum boat can dissappear real fast. Took one of his neighbor's fences down to get one. People keep saying that unemployement doesn't have anything to do with crime. BS. Any time unemployement is up, so is theft. There are a lot of people out there who are "middlin honest" - they are as honest as they can afford to be. They do whatever it takes to get by.

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04-18-2008 07:38:31

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Hey, I hear what you're saying. Down in southern De. the police just arrested a bunch of clowns that were steeling the copper wiring off the farmers irrigation equipment out in the fields. Also, people are coming home to find their copper downspouts ripped right off their houses. Newspaper's saying copper thiefts are increasing big time. I read online yesterday, about people finding their car's gas tanks empty from holes drilled in the bottom of them. Seems the newer cars have filler necks that make it harder to siphon. Hell, last summer I saw on the news, down in Balt. MD. People were coming out and getting in their cars, then discovering, that their cars exhaust note was much louder. Somebody was actually cutting out the catalitic converters for the platnum. I think we're looking at some crazy times here. Jack

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Billy NY

04-18-2008 07:23:34

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Appears to be on the rise here too, same guy robbed the same bank within 2 weeks, he got away, some business's down the road here have been dealing with theft too, though they did get one guy who did a bunch of jobs. Have to be on the alert, outsmart em, and make examples of them too.

I think if the problem becomes real prolific, some of these clowns will find themselves in bad situations, think about it, you catch one in a remote place, no one is around..... .., not saying that one should take the law into their hands, but odds are, some of em will definitely get caught by surprise and have the tables turned.

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04-18-2008 06:50:50

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
The scrap iron business is very lucrative right now. Anything that has iron in it is fair game, and if that hunk of iron has a fuel tank with fuel in it, it is even more attractive.

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04-18-2008 06:48:35

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
last year at the mmogta tractor show me and some other people i know had gas and batteries stolen from us so its all over the place... even in hicktown oakley where a bunch of rednecks just wanna have fun and get drunk, people are messin it up for us so i know how it goes.


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MN Bob

04-18-2008 06:44:27

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Turke Bros. Farms, 04-18-2008 06:30:05  
Sorry to hear about your crime wave. Same thing is happening in many areas. Todays headline the FBI chief said crime on rise, "Americans are becoming more crooked" or else the FBI is identifying more crimes. I think we need to put God and the Flag back into schools. And the government needs to give rights to the people not the criminals. Just my 2 bits! Bob

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04-18-2008 07:51:53

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to MN Bob, 04-18-2008 06:44:27  
I hear you on that. I am thankful that we (personally) have not been hit.

Actually though, if the government "gives" rights, they can also revoke and take away those same rights. I have no doubt that the increase in crime and rudeness is directly related to personally and nationally marginalizing God and ignoring His rules.

If the government recognizes God-given rights, the government has no authority to take away what it did not give. This is a key difference between our founding documents and (for instance) the new EU constitution.

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights..."


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04-18-2008 18:22:19

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to NBAllen, 04-18-2008 07:51:53  
This is the argument that our former chief justice of Alabama ( Roy Moore) used after he was removed from office for refusing to remove a monument of the Ten Commandments that was ordered by a federal judge. I personally think he(Moore) was right.

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MN Bob

04-18-2008 12:53:07

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to NBAllen, 04-18-2008 07:51:53  
Thanks Allan; I agree, the government does not grant or give (my poor choice of words) but they really should recognise our inalienable rights, as you pointed out so well, they are messing with the founding fathers intent. Bob

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Dave from MN

04-18-2008 07:16:54

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to MN Bob, 04-18-2008 06:44:27  
You hit her right on the nail head there Bob! All I can add is the leaders need to start making the loss of manufacturing jobs in the US a BIG issue. Being able to buy cheap crap from china, and all the low paying box stores jobs are doing nothing but increasing inability to buy higher priced American goods. Gas was $3.50 yesterday, there was a news repoprt on some business that is taking in HUGE amounts of all scrap metals and it as almost ALL going to china. 10 years of this and there isnt gonna be any scrap steel for the US to buy when the manufacturing does actually come back to USA, we'll have to buy it all from china. BUY AMERICAN< BUY AMERICAN< SPEND YOUR DOLLARS LOCALLY, MAKE YOU OPINIONS KNOWN TO ALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES
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MN Bob

04-18-2008 12:48:40

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Dave from MN, 04-18-2008 07:16:54  
Right Dave, and why cant we seem to remember that we sold and gave scrap to Japan for years before we got it back as bombs and bullets. Not anti Japan, different folks back then in power, but history is repeating itself. Bob

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04-18-2008 08:08:44

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to Dave from MN, 04-18-2008 07:16:54  
"Brother, arm thyself."

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04-20-2008 18:34:21

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 Re: O/T Its happening again! Thefts in the area..... in reply to cehinds, 04-18-2008 08:08:44  
I printed up several signs on my computer, saying: "This property protected by Smith & Wesson! Want to take the chance?" I taped several up where i work in my garage, and on the overhead door glass. One day, several of the neighborhood punks decided to give my place the once-over, and after i saw them wandering around, i called them over, and asked them what they were looking for! Well, one of them didn't have much to say, until he saw the sign and nudged his friend. Their eyes got real big, especially when they saw the 12 guage standing in the rack beside the door. Then one asked me if i had a Smith & Wesson. I said sure, want to see it. I'll show ya how it works if ya want. They didn't seem too interested in seeing a demo of it, and they bade me goodbye. Ain't seen them since, and that was 3 years ago! And, i haven't had anything stolen yet, but who knows! I keep the place so disarranged, they'd make too much noise trying to get anything. And the wife sleeps above the driveway area! With a low light on all night.

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