G'day again. Heater button is pressing the key inwards after turning the ignition on. Should be able to feel it go in, and if the ignition lights still work they dull very slightly when the glow comes on. Another thing i had to do was to pull the ignition switch apart and clean the contacts. (another story) OK, power goes through the ignition switch, and up to the controller through heavy cables. As mentioned, worth pulling that controller right out and cleaning up the contacts, it is only a resistor coil so you can check if it is open circuit. From the resistor, it goes to the rear glow plug, then through each one via the buz bars to the earth linkage at the front plug. There is a fair sized draw on the circuit so all contacts have to be very clean and tight. Try removing all the buz bars, you should be able to see how they are not earthed through the glow plug as in other systems. it passes from the single contact in the middle to where the buz bar contacts and through to the next one. If they are wired any other way they can burn out. You could remove them to test, or can test by touching a couple of leads across the contacts FOR A VERY SHORT TIME! But again, you will need two leads - one for the contact, one to the earth side. Just touch the contact and see if it sparks when contacted. If it does, that is good enough - not open circuit. Charging? good luck, they have the old British system. (Don't forget it is positive earth.)You can email me direct if you wish, I could send you some diagrams or something if it helps. All the best, God Bless, Rex