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getting raped

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Gary in TX

04-21-2008 05:31:48

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I read this on a new article on Yahoo just few minutes ago.
I don't about yall but I'm gettin tired of taking it in the rear while all these people are getting rich on our blood sweat and tears.
Check out the statement this sucker is saying here. "Also over the weekend, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was quoted Saturday as saying crude oil prices at $115 a barrel are too low, and that oil must "discover its real value."

I wish those people who are making mega profits on this to choke on their money. Its breaking us here people or doesn't anyone care? Problem with this country(USA) is we are becoming a weak nation, to many kids looking like idiots with the tattoo's, piercings, and 10 different colors of hair. Too many people who are just plain educated beyond their intellegence.
Book learning is fine but if you have not got common sense to go with it, your screwed. Look around at alot of the kids and you will see it.

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Old Roy agiin

04-21-2008 21:49:45

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
After reading all these comments, It still boils down to "IT'S ALL OUR FAULT" !! What happened to pres.Lincoln's idea "of the people,for the people,by the people." style government??Like was mentioned our Factories, jobs included are no longer here.Now we send all our scrap metals over.That leaves nothing to start over with on this side of the pond. --What are the young people today and their children going to do in the next century?? I don't have the answer but someone has to take a different approach to turn this world around or they will see themselves living in a 3rd world economy. and we aren't gonna do it by complaining about it.

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dr sportster

04-21-2008 15:47:57

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Are you forgfeting we all looked like idiots when we were teens to an adult of any era.What kind of Beatle boots and granny glasses did you wear?I dont blame the youth of America for any of my problems and the apprentices I worked with today were nice young men.I remember being on a family vacation and the Doors song "Hello I love you wont you tell me your name" came on AM radio in the car, and mom saying thats pretty stupid.

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Joe Pro

04-21-2008 14:05:11

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
First let me say that I'm 16 and personally think I know a lot about a lot for my age. I know that when I put gas in my truck I cringe because I know the history of gas prices. I dint have a "real job", my parents help me out and I work a little part time. But I dont get everything I want. I live in a rural area. There has been all sorts of people moving down here from the city. In a 1/2 mile there has been something like 14 houses put up in the last 3 years. none this year yet. There are about 500 kids in my high school and it is sad to know how many kids have done drugs etc. There are some crazy haired kids but there is a lot of drugs. For a rural community. I just learned that at a party that a good friend of mine had they were doing some illegal things I was not there. I think that today's kids are going to screw us over in the future. there is to much game box and computer games and no outside activities. So yes there are many many good kids out there but most of you dont realize how many , I dont want ot call them bad , put how many kids have been steered in the wrong direction. We have to do something about gas/ economy. I know that if gas hits 4 bucks a gallon I cant afford to drive any more. We still can afford to eat and have clothes but we hardly go to the movies any more or out to a sit down restaurant. WE HAVE TO DO SOMETHING OR WE WILL BE SCRWED LIKE THERE AINT NO TOMORROW

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big fred

04-21-2008 14:52:23

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 Re: getting raped in reply to JML755, 04-21-2008 11:18:43  
And where are you gonna get all this hydrogen from? Here's a hint, in commercial quantities it's gonna have to come from natural gas.

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04-21-2008 11:41:38

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  Your right just look at the Xdrunk PRES Re: getting raped in reply to JML755, 04-21-2008 11:18:43  

Geese for sure! Just look what an ex-drunk coke head could be! The pres of the USA the leader of the free world! DUH!

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Wesley Stephens

04-21-2008 10:48:14

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
I'm a high school teacher and I'll have to agree with you. It's very easy to let the bad elements of society blind you against the good ones. There are a lot of kids out there who cause problems, but there are a lot more good ones, just like with adults. As far as the economic situation goes, there are plenty of opinions and more than enough speculation, but precious little knowledge of what the future holds.

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04-21-2008 10:31:36

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Normally I'm pretty quiet on posts like these but the attack on kids today jut pisses me off. I'm tired of the older generations making the generalization that all kids today are bad. I am 18 and don't party, drink, do drugs, all that crap. There are many kids out there who don't and do no recieve credit from adults so what do they do they turn to that lifestye because there is no support at home. Don't be so quick to judge todays youth!

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04-21-2008 14:19:06

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 Re: getting raped in reply to 71ford100, 04-21-2008 10:31:36  
I'll back you up on that. Don't blame the kids its the parents (MOST NOT ALL) don't really care about their kids (or are overly protective) and only about making money to pay for the house that they now can't afford. The schools aren't helping, the old way for not doing home work for a week was a week of after school detentions. Now they sue if there kid gets yelled at for being a bad kid in class.

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04-21-2008 11:12:05

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 Re: getting raped in reply to 71ford100, 04-21-2008 10:31:36  
There are lots of young people out there that are just great. Not doing drugs, alcohol, tobacco, in this day and age is something that make you proud and are setting an example or the younger ones. We have several 14 and 15 yr olds here on this forum that are learning everyday from the old timers BTDT. Keep up the good work and take all these comments with a grain of salt because non of them have the answer. Just remember that greed is the main driver whether the greed is for money or power. If you acheive either of the greeds just use them to do for others especially to teach them what you have learned. If you have time listen to Ben Stein. He has some great knowledge. Im with you>. Henry

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Dick L

04-21-2008 10:28:49

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 Funny Funny Funny in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
I dont think anyone should let facts get in the way of there opinion. One should never look up the facts on a subject as it might affect an opinion they have. We should always repeat other peoples opinions as fact that support our opinions.

That will solve all the problems.

I have an opinion also as shown above.

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04-21-2008 10:52:02

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 Re: Funny Funny Funny in reply to Dick L, 04-21-2008 10:28:49  
"Don't confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up" :<)

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04-21-2008 11:07:04

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 Re: getting raped in reply to CaseChev, 04-21-2008 09:29:49  
Thank you casechev, thank you. finally someone sees what the real problem is.
and we are set up for an election that has two people running that want to tax more to give more handouts

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04-21-2008 11:52:16

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 Re: getting raped in reply to JD9295, 04-21-2008 11:07:04  
and one who will add more to are debt...

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04-21-2008 14:14:40

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 Re: getting raped in reply to jay-eye-see, 04-21-2008 11:52:16  
which one can you HONESTLY say is better than the other 2 jay?
i see nothing but corruption in any elected official.
and the 3 running for president now!!??
a witch
a muzzie
a senior citizen

2 wants our guns, more taxes and wont fix anything
the other will just carry on with a different name on the mailbox

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04-21-2008 09:15:04

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Supply and demand. There is only so much recoverable oil in the ground. Demand is increasing as China & India modernize and try to have the luxuries that Americans/Westerners think are only their constitutional right. You haven't seen anything yet for prices. Next step is multi-billion dollar investment in coal liquification and digging up most of Pennsylvania. It isn't being over educated. It's getting over the fact the west has been pampered and spoiled. With you, trucker40 and others now throwing a hissy fit like a three year old on the grocery store floor. Suck it up, get out from behind mamma's skirt and realize there is a whole world out there beyond the US borders.

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jose bagge

04-21-2008 13:34:48

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 Do the rich pay their share? in reply to trucker40, 04-21-2008 07:55:34  
Trucker, I can tell you that we agree on a few things- that the country is going to hell in a handbasket, and that the current government is full of crooks. But- you blame the " rich elite" and I blame the "non-working ( I-don't-want-to-work) poor. Here's a FACT that your diatribe against the rich and educatedalwways seems to neglect: the wealthiest 1% of Americans earn 19% of the income but pay 37% of the total income tax...The top 10% of the wage earners pay 68% of the whole she-bang. The bottom 50%- those below the median wage earners-
pay just 3% of the total income tax. This doesn't even include Social Security and Medicare payments. It's not the "wealthy educated elite" that's breaking this country- it's the "entitled poor" that's killing the slightly-above-average middle American.
What if the "educated wealthy" left the country- who the hell would pay the taxes that allow the "entitle poor" to stay at home and whine?

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04-21-2008 07:13:12

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
I keep hearing of all the new sights here in the US that oil is found. How come we don't drill for it, and build new refineries. May have something to do with the tree hugger group? What do you think? Stan

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Dave from MN

04-21-2008 07:03:22

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
First, please dont use the word "raped" to describe something economical. I know 4 gals that were raped, one violently, and I feel that term should be used only for what it is. Just my opinion. As far as That Iran donkey, I dont blame him, 435 Representatives in the House, usually called Congressmen or Congresswomen, and 100 Senators in the Senate, I feel are the ones to blame, they are doing nothing that I have heard, I have only heard plans that will make energy more expensive. Last I heard we have lots of places in our own country we get oil from, yet we dont. The economy being slow is a big factor as many have stated the dollar is weak, why?? Heck, most of us on here do not even buy American made goods, which would boost our economy, I try every chance I can to buy American, if I have to pay a couple $$ extra I do it. I also dont think I have to have every little tool, doodad, or electronics that everybody else thinks they HAVE to have, since they have to buy everything they buy for the lowest price, which really doesnt put much cash in our economy. We are selling out scrap, every little bit of it, and we buy tin tools back. What will we have to recycle in 20 years? Greed, Politics, no censureship on the internet, lack of morals and God in our daily lives, and not enforcing pledging alleagance to our country by immigrants all need to change.

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04-21-2008 07:03:12

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 You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  

You need look no further than the CROOK in the White house and the crooked RETHUGS that have put this scourge on us!! They took the good paying jobs to RED CHINA and left the people with jobs that pay that only enslaved Mexicans will work for!! JUST what the RETHUG robber barons want, right!

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04-21-2008 09:14:42

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to cowman1, 04-21-2008 07:03:12  

If you want to get back to th WHO of it the guy that started the RED CHINA thing, it Tricky DICK who planned this shift of jobs!

S of A Butz was the one who engineered the farm thing! Produce more sell for less make up for the losses in volume! Kind of like buy Retail sell Wholesale make it up in volume, it is only the American farmer that uses this money losing business model! Who is making all the money on your products? Mansanto, ADM, Cargill and the others like them right!

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04-21-2008 07:30:35

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to cowman1, 04-21-2008 07:03:12  
maybe you oughta check back a few years and see who was sitting in the big house when the jobs started going over seas.
not taking up for bush, but all we heard from the demoncraps was they were going to fix things, bring the price of gas down!!
what has it done since they took control of the senate?

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04-21-2008 09:58:11

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to JD9295, 04-21-2008 07:30:35  
google "gas price history" among the many hits check out www.wtrg.com . the rise of oil fits nicely with Bush and early 2001 , they even went down in 03 so as to get him elected for his second term,since that time( early 04) they have really taken off. many factors involved but your friend Bush is among the biggest

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04-21-2008 11:04:21

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to trucker40, 04-21-2008 08:29:33  
trucker trucker trucker, what have your great demcraps done? what has the price of fuel done since they took over.
They are the ones that said elect me and ill lower fuel. By the way, read my post, i never said i was a bush supporter, believe i said i WAS NOT taking up for him.
better watch your temper, kim will be in here with a switch

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Tradititonal Farmer

04-21-2008 08:44:18

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to trucker40, 04-21-2008 08:29:33  
Fuel was 10 cents a gallon when Herbert Hoover was President,I guess we need to dig him up and put him back into office.

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04-21-2008 14:30:01

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 Re: You need look no further than Re: getting raped in reply to Tradititonal Farmer, 04-21-2008 08:44:18  
that dont even cover state taxes now:{

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04-21-2008 06:21:04

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
"I wish those people who are making mega profits on this to choke on their money. Its breaking us here people or doesn"t anyone care? Problem with this country(USA) is we are becoming a weak nation, to many kids looking like idiots with the tattoo"s, piercings, and 10 different colors of hair. Too many people who are just plain educated beyond their intellegence.
Book learning is fine but if you have not got common sense to go with it, your screwed. Look around at alot of the kids and you will see it."

Were you one of these kids? Because while I agree somewhat with your first paragraph - pinning the blame on my generation is as bout as useful as teats on a bull.


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04-21-2008 06:06:04

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
The real problem is the alien mind control rays from the crab nebulae !!!

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04-21-2008 07:51:44

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 Re: getting raped in reply to IH2444, 04-21-2008 06:06:04  
Finally!!!!! !!!! Somebody who understands. Can I quote you..... ....with or without credit (your choice)?

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04-21-2008 13:05:42

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 Re: getting raped in reply to thurlow, 04-21-2008 07:51:44  
Sure thing. Quote away.
I just come here to talk Tractors anyway.

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04-21-2008 06:36:04

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 Re: getting raped in reply to IH2444, 04-21-2008 06:06:04  
" The real problem is the alien mind control rays from the crab nebulae !!!" Good thing you mentioned that. I understand those Nebulaeians have developed a ray that will penatrate three layers of tin foil Have you heard anything about that?

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04-21-2008 13:43:29

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Sid, 04-21-2008 06:36:04  
Not if you use genuine tin foil. all one can find now-a-days is aluminum foil.

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04-21-2008 05:58:42

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Maybe we"ll get a president with some balls who will say the same thing about a bushel of corn or wheat or rice. In fact, I think the export value of our grain should be tied to the value of oil. I bushel for one barrel.....no exceptions. Domestic prices should then be lowered to say 25 cents a bushel..... .like gas in Saudi Arabia.

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Tradititonal Farmer

04-21-2008 06:04:09

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 Re: getting raped in reply to mark, 04-21-2008 05:58:42  
Thats a real great idea so then they will buy grain from Australia,Argentina,UKraine etc and we'll be out of the loop altogether.They have the valuable commidity we need it.Only answer is for us to need less or produce more on our own.

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04-21-2008 06:12:57

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Tradititonal Farmer, 04-21-2008 06:04:09  
That attitude is just exactly what is wrong.....people are scared to death to make a stand. How much grain does Argentina produce compared to the United States? How much grain does any country produce compared to the US? Argentina and Ukraine and Canada are all on the global market at the present and obviously can't supply the world's needs as we manage to sell our entire crop from year to year.

You chicken little's who think the Arab's have us by the gonads are full of $hit. It's the politician's and the UN that are responsible for the oil situation.

How much food do you think a sand dune can produce?

All those people over there have to eat and instead of allowing them to believe that their commodity (oil) is more precious than ours (grain), it should be demonstrated to them what it is like to be held hostage.

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04-21-2008 08:13:47

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 Re: getting raped in reply to mark, 04-21-2008 06:12:57  
I can tell you that we are number 2 in wheat production behind Russia.Other than that there are lots of countrys that grow wheat and lots that grow food.We could cut sending anything over there and with their money they could buy it somewhere.To do what you say you need a blockade.Thats when you stop all goods from anywhere flowing into a country.Maybe we could pull it off,but our military is hurting,wore out,and beat down.Hardly any of those countrys is surrounded by water where it could be blockaded by the Navy,and some have a common border with Russia,who we are not going to be able to order around,or China either.A good idea to cut off the food,not very much chance if any of it working. Its not so much the Arabs have us by the gonads,but its our stupidity that has us by our own gonads.If we actually had a government instead of a bunch of thieves who have no honor,and even stab each other in the back,then it might get easier to get along with other nations.Especially if they arent worried that bombs are going to fall any minute.

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MF Poor

04-21-2008 07:18:53

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 Re: getting raped in reply to mark, 04-21-2008 06:12:57  
Brazil, all alone, all on their own, is right on the verge of passing the US in soybean production. They already exceed us in several other Ag commodities. Then throw Argentina in the mix. Even the Saudi's are growing wheat nowdays. We still hold a sizable portion of the worlds food production, but, nowhere near what we once did. If we sell enough to glut the world markets, what do you suppose that will do to US food prices?

Then consider IRAN, or any other middle eastern country can buy enough food from any number of sources that they don't need what we have. Currently, they can even buy it CHEAPER from a dozen other countries. We DO however, currently need what their region has. (oil) We don't hold all the cards anymore. That arguement WAS valid 25 years ago. It's past history.

We HAVE to lower our dependency of foriegn oil.

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Tradititonal Farmer

04-21-2008 06:26:24

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 Re: getting raped in reply to mark, 04-21-2008 06:12:57  
Don't be delusional we are not in a position of strength in this one as we have been in the past.Blowing a bunch of hot air and making empty threats we can't back up will make us look like even bigger fools.With the money they have they are everyone's Number 1 customer

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04-21-2008 06:37:23

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Tradititonal Farmer, 04-21-2008 06:26:24  
Geezus..... it's much worse than I thought.

Delusional? Good lord..... from whose cup are you drinking? You go right on believing that if you choose.

Instead of playing patient victim, it is time this nation flex it's collective muscles..... it doesn't have to be via saber rattling, just cut the food off. Growling guts have, and will continue, to bring down governments....and unfriendly policies.

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Tradititonal Farmer

04-21-2008 06:49:01

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 Re: getting raped in reply to mark, 04-21-2008 06:37:23  
How do you cut off their food when you have no control over the source? How do we stop other countries from selling their grain to whomever they please? They need oil too and can't afford to mess with the oil rich nations either.Its a sellers market for oil.Right now the oil rich nations in the Mideast are buying American companies which will give them greater control.
Cheap gas and diesel ain't in our future.I'd bet a wad we see $6/gal fuel before we see $3/gal again.Hope I'm wrong.

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04-21-2008 05:54:12

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Gary I hear you, but oil/gas/fuel prices are about 20th on our list of problems. 1. Uncontrolled southern border. Criminal/border-jumping Mexicans are ruining our national language, overrunning our hospitals, overrunning our shcools, and costing us a fortune in taxes to suport them. Dallas public schools are advertising to recruit 500 teachers with sign on bonuses, but they must be able to speak Spanish to the Mexicans. Local public hospitals are losing $$$millions because of providing free primary health to Mexicans. They said on TV about 10000-25000 per child born of criminal Mexican parents, AND under our stupid laws the baby in a legal US citizen so it achors the criminal Mexican family against deportation. 2. Almost total loss of manufacturing base. Americans always want to pay nothing for Chinese junk products ar Wally World, tight wads will not pay for quality. 3. Government spending much more than it raises in taxes for last 7 years. Deficit is causing INTEREST alone to be over 30 cents on every dollar raised in taxes. 4. Chinese trade imbalance. 5. NAFTA 6. Lack of mandatory military draft. 7. Soft enforcement of laws at all levels, early release, early parole, etc. Need mandatory sentences that judges and juries cannot alter-- do the crime do the time. No parole, need oposite - - good behavior as prisoner release on time - - bad behavior, extend time. 8. Education system that has kept lowering the standard to meet the PERCEIVED need of non-english speaking sudents. Schools main subject is sports, sports, sports.
Out of time and still havent gotten to oil prices. Tom

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04-21-2008 07:13:25

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 Hey Tom tex you have been Re: getting raped in reply to TomTex, 04-21-2008 05:54:12  

Hey Tom tex you have been duped by the RETHUGS

We start putting people in JAIL that HIRE them end of problem. It like a honey pot you set it out the flies will come! You cant blame the flies it just the way they are, right! You got to blame the ones who put the pot out! DUH!!

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Tradititonal Farmer

04-21-2008 05:54:03

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
The Iranians didn't put us in this position we did it to ourselves.Who can fault them for taking advantage of our stupidity and get as much for their oil as possible? There is a long list of gov't givaways and wars that we really couldn't afford it all but borrowed to the max to do
it.Now the US Dollar is dropping in value and we're going to pay more for imports.Many People still aren't getting the message apparently as lots are still driving 9MPG SUVS and 4WD as personal transportation,still buying huge houses that require a lot of energy.Plenty of blame to go around and most of its in the mirror.

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04-21-2008 05:48:27

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
Hey Gary, WAKE UP!!! Its not the kids fault, its the parents that raised those kids. Thats right the same people defaulting on their loans while expecting some one else to pay their way!!! Its also the same people who are in search of the almighty dollar so bad that someone else raised their kids. Just wait now that tankers are getting attacked gas and oil will go even higher because i'm sure some executive will now want "hazard" pay.

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J Kemp

04-21-2008 05:35:02

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 Re: getting raped in reply to Gary in TX, 04-21-2008 05:31:48  
-It is Hi Time that we DISCOVERED the REALVALUE of the THUG president of i-ran

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Jim in N M

04-21-2008 06:55:14

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 Re: getting raped in reply to J Kemp, 04-21-2008 05:35:02  
Hey, How about this IDIOT we have for a president. He along with his VP are in the oil business and are in bed with these oil producing countries, and sad to say just wait tell November,we'll get anouther four yrs of George Bush,or god forbid we get "Billery" better grab your A*s couse you aint seen nothing yet for tax's

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How. D. Doody

04-21-2008 06:52:29

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 Re: getting raped in reply to J Kemp, 04-21-2008 05:35:02  
Gee, we just too over a whole nation with the biggest oil reserves in the world and didn't take any of the oil.

Talk about stupid!

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