Writing is on the wall. USA fuel prices will hit twice today's prices and OPEC has already started the process to remove it (oil) from the US $ and tie it to the EURO like a couple of oil producers have already done (Venezuela for one). Not my words the experts have spoken. You can see for yourself on www. The info is out there. Once that happens, the US $ will be in a tail spin (per them) and we will have severe problems from there. Additionally, poor countries are having a time buying food, even with the world feeding organizations as primary ingredients have had record price increases.....want details, just surf the net. The info is out there. Sorry for the doom and gloom but you can access the data and read for yourself. I am retired and spend a lot of time reading about equities as I have to have something to live on. So I have uncovered a lot of data that is not comforting. Better get used to it.....and accordingly fertilizer prices will also continue to rise. Also, I went by the local sale barn a couple of days ago and got a market report for live cattle. I have receipts from 2007 and comparing April 21 prices to October 2007, cattle are down significantly and in particular anything above 500 # immediately drops from $125 per 100 to 98 and just drops from there. Additionally heifers are docked like hasn't happened in years; like 20 cents per #....love it, all my calves this year are heifers. I don't have a big problem as I run a small efficient operation, have retirement income, and SS (which I spent my life earning..... .....). A lot of you don't fit that mold. I don't know what to tell you but you had better be thinking about your future and what you are going to do to survive it because the economics for the little guy are just going to get worse....course the big boys will always survive....built into the structure....golden rule and it's still true. Don't believe me just have a look at the Goldman Sach's clientele, what they (Goldman) do and what they do for the elite. Also might ask yourself how it was that the US Gov. ran to their rescue (bailed them out with your and my tax dollars...no strings attached) after they made very legally questionable dealings which helped lead to the sub-prime meltdown. HTH Mark