Change is good. Sometimes. Other times it"s not so good. In the end, like the old saying goes, change is inevitable. The thing is, we don"t have to embrace CHANGE FOR THE WORSE. We can (and should) resist that whenever possible. Even the strongest resistance doesn"t mean we"ll be able to do much about it. Society in general has been backsliding for ages, probably about the time Thor walked out of his cave for the first time. Starting around the Korean war era, the backsliding started gaining momentum. Then the 60"s came and went. They taught us that society can free-fall into an abiss and there was nothing we could do to stop it. Apparently we started to accept that free-fall as unavoidable. I was born in 1947. My kid are grown, my grandkids are growing up fast. In the grand scheme of things, there isn"t a lot of time, nor much of anything I can do now to change the world I live in, OTHER THAN let the generations after me know what they"re headed for and what they"re leaving behind. Some of us HAVE to scream and holler about the path our society is following. That"s all we can do to get the attention of those who are young enough, strong enough, and have a REMOTE chance of fixing what we"ve broke.