05-04-2008 19:35:47
Re: Grass Fed Beef (The Omnivore's Dilemma) in reply to Bill from MA, 05-03-2008 18:58:41
Feedlot time of a year is not unusual, but the treatment of beef animals in confinement certainly can vary. For any notion of treatment you have I can show you a real life version. Peoples treatment of animals runs the full spectrum, same as peoples treatment of other human beings. In general, a beef calf is born in the spring and spends the first summer on pasture with his momma, and is weaned in the fall. From then on, what happens can vary but basically the animal is fed hay or silage, along with supplements, while the animals are physically growing. Often, this is called "backgrounding", and may occur in confinement. Near the end of this time, corn is introduced in increasing amounts in the diet. This phase is known as "finishing". For the last two to three months, the animals diet is mainly corn, with roughage (hay) added to keep the rumen working. While animals can be pushed to fast-which certainly can cause problems-it is not in the best interest of the stockman, as rate of gain suffers, as does the animal. A "hot" ration may also cause livers to abcess, which ends up in the liver being condemmed, which lowers the value of the animal. Basically, the farmer or rancher has to juggle two primary aims-the welfare of his animals, and the cost of production. A happy, healthy, well fed animal that is treated well and not stressed is the goal. That is balanced against the cost of feed, veterinary expenses, labor costs, and interest the farmer is paying. While beef seems expensive in the store (and it is) the profit margin to the producer is very slim, often amounting to only a few dollars per head, sometimes a loss, and occasionally a reasonable return on investment. If possible, find a farmer who will sell you beef, generally by the whole, 1/2, or quarter. You can then see how he treats his animals. You will pay a top price, but rewarding humane treatment and helping a family farmer compete is a win-win situation for everyone.