Shade helps, youy just don't get so much pressure built up, have often wondered, how volatile those vapors are when you take of the cap and you get the whsshhhh out the top, open that in the wrong place, not good. We had an outer casing on a 3500'-0" long 20" dia. steel pipe job, that was made of some sort of plastic material, that was required to be air tight, every joint was insulated and wrapped with a heat shrink material by Kempii, connected it to a device and turned on the power, it sealed itself, had mastic strips under it too. This job was stopped, we took it over as an emergency const. mgt contract, the biggest problem was getting the outer casing to pass the specified tests to insure it was airtight. The previous people on the job could not figure it out, we did, the sun expanded the main sections of outercasing too much and it violated casing at the joints, solution..... painted it white, joints held and the job was rolling again, completed just in time for the heating season, was the heat and cooling lines for 5 23 story buildings from a central co generation plant, had to be sealed, water table contained salt water.