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Off Road Diesel Fuel costs??

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Nate Bowser

05-15-2008 08:30:44

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I went to local station and paid $3.79 for the "Red" diesel. I'm in PA. Is there a cheaper way to get it? Delivered in bulk mabie? I hear others on this board who say the buy "Farm diesel" in 500 gallon tanks and it seems like they pay less. Is it cheaper that way??

Thanks, Nate

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Wesley Stephens

05-16-2008 09:29:24

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I paid 3.99 for off road fuel at the local station here in NC. I don't know what the laws are, but on previous occasions I have seen off road and highway diesel within 20 cents of each other. The spread is about 40 cents now, which is about what the tax is.

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Nate Bowser

05-16-2008 05:09:01

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Ok thanks. I guess that clears it up. No I did not get ripped. I'm just a part time hobby farmer. I feel bad for those of you who use hundreds or even thousands of gallons. That's terrible.


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Mark - IN.

05-15-2008 19:28:04

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 That's a darn good question. in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
You know? A year or so ago I considered bulking up when it dipped back down to about $2.34 a gallon. Seemed to me to be the thing to do at the time, but then was worried that it might go down to like $2.00 a gallon and maybe stay there, and I'd hose myself for the millionth time. I never did bulk up at $2.34. I should've used my better judgement (initial hunch) and not gotten greedy.

So, the next question in playing the game of commodities, is it worth to bulk up now at $4.25 per gallon and take a chance that it might get as high(er) as some are predicting, or that it might...well, not hit my magic $2.00 per gallon, but get you the picture...take a loss? Anyone besides me wish that diesel were $2.00 per gallon? I wasn't happy at $1.39. I'm a moron at times too.


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05-15-2008 18:29:19

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Road diesel at the pump on Saturday was 4.33 to 4.43. Gas (10% ethanol) is .10 cents cheaper than regular at 3.69 and about ready for another hike because hasn"t gone up for at east five days. Heck, only cost me $87 to fill my half a tank full on the pickup.

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formerly ny bill

05-15-2008 17:55:40

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
i filled the 500 gallon tank yesterday for $4.12/gal. road diesel is $4.59 and higher. many stations in central ny are close to or just over $4 for regular gas.

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05-15-2008 16:30:47

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Diesel fuel has a storage life of 9 months to 1 year. It will still burn fine in your tractor, but you won't be getting all of the benefits of the horsepower that the fuel was able to provide when it was fresh. Adding a fuel stablizer such as powerserve or the equivailant will help with any breakdown of the fuel.

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05-15-2008 18:51:34

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to ceenxguy, 05-15-2008 16:30:47  
Diesel fuel that you buy at low price places like Wal-Mart is usually left over that did not sell on the open market,and was offered for less than the going price, and could be a few years old,gas too.Fuel is in storage tanks for who knows how long before they sell it.They filter it and treat it with stuff to get contamination out of it,especially water.I would say the fuel you buy at a truck stop where they sell lots of it could be a year or more old when you buy it.The only thing that could be a problem with some black stuff that grows in diesel fuel,and there are additives for that called Diesel Doctor or something like that,and if you get water or rust or dirt from the storage tank.

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05-16-2008 09:06:27

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to trucker40, 05-15-2008 18:51:34  
You have no clue.Nothing last long enough to be offerd as left over product.We have alot of WaWa stores in the area.Some take as many as five trailer loads of gas a day.I drove part time for WaWa's carrier for a short time.Do the math. With 2-20,000 gal tanks in the ground for Reg,and, 5 loads @ 8900 gal each,thats more than the tanks will hold.The gas don't last long.

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john in la

05-15-2008 21:13:16

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to trucker40, 05-15-2008 18:51:34  
"Diesel fuel that you buy at low price places like Wal-Mart is usually left over that did not sell on the open market,and was offered for less than the going price, and could be a few years old,gas too"

I just wish that the big oil gas loading rack would let me take a picture of their rack.
Then I could show you a Murphy gas tanker loading on one rack while a Exxon truck is loading on the rack right next to it.
They are both pulling out of the same tank.

Also the gas tanks at truck loading racks only hold a weeks supply so the product is always less than a couple of weeks old.

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Allan In NE

05-15-2008 16:37:45

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to ceenxguy, 05-15-2008 16:30:47  

Wish I'd of known that before I used that 17-year-old stuff. Someone shoulda tol' me and that ol' combine the facts of life. :>(


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05-15-2008 16:09:13

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Actually I was told that fuel deteriorates in time from other forum members. If you use a lot of fuel and you top off your storage tank every few monthes it is not an issue.

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Allan In NE

05-15-2008 16:34:04

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to rich4, 05-15-2008 16:09:13  

Ya gots to excuse my knee-jerk reaction, but I'm old and really cranky. :>)

Diesel fuel left over from WWII will burn and run just fine. All ya gotta do is filter old fuel and you're good to go.


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05-15-2008 15:45:56

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Another thing, diesel fuel does not last in a storage tank very long, if you bought ahead and did not use it this year, then you would be using stale corrupt fuel and could cause engine running problems, just buy what you can use in 6 monthes and live with fuel price increases.

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05-15-2008 16:20:25

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to rich4, 05-15-2008 15:45:56  
Had a lot of experience with diesel engines, huh?

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Allan In NE

05-15-2008 15:58:57

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to rich4, 05-15-2008 15:45:56  
Whoever sold you that line of honkey-puckey?


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05-15-2008 15:00:32

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I bought 500 gallon of farm diesel a couple weeks ago for $3.90 delivered.

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Kirk Grau

05-15-2008 12:06:31

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I am located in PA as well. My local convenience store/gas station (Turkey Hill) has "Heating Oil" at a pump. When I asked the same question and called around for prices the retail store was cheaper than any of the delivery outfits. For my small usage as fuel it is just as easy to make the run over to the store once in a while.

I think the delivery guys are stocking the lower sulfur fuel and providing it to everybody. My tractor runs fine the "heating oil".

Good Luck,


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05-15-2008 12:01:46

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 Re: Red Diesel Here is ULSD in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
AT Weatherford Texas, the local Chevron distributer sells bulk, red dyded diesel called Off-road, without taxes. The diesel fuel is the same as over-the-road diesel; it is the Ultra Low Sulpher Diesel, with red dye added. ALL diesel in North Central Texas is ULSD, that is the only kind that is delivered, red dye is just added at distributer's tanks per state law. The distributer has a sign at the pumping station that all fuel is ULSD at less than 15 ppm. Tom

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05-15-2008 10:58:35

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
There is no "red" off-road diesel anymore in New York - and I assume all the other states have to follow with a certain time-line. The red high-sulfur is now for heating purposes only. Not for use in any internal-combustion engine. The new EPA regulated off-road/farm fuel is a new color and medium sulfur for now. Within a few years, it will be ultralow.
The cheapest red heating oil is around $4 per gallon, and all else is higher.

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05-15-2008 12:38:12

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to jdemaris, 05-15-2008 10:58:35  
Either on-road diesel is really, really high in New York or you are getting ripped off. Off-road diesel is supposed to be sold less the road taxes. In Va they substitute sales tax for road tax and it is still about 50-60 cents less then on-road fuel.
Here we can get biodiesel for the same as off-road and it lubricity is the same as high sulfur.

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05-15-2008 11:14:48

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to jdemaris, 05-15-2008 10:58:35  
The fuel that you are purchasing now is 15ppm of sulfur or less. This is a gov. mandate for all on road applications. Off road does not require the use of ultra low sulfur fuel until the year of 2010. They can still use 50ppm sulfur fuel until then. However, the fuel traveling through the pipeline has a sulfur content of 15ppm or less. If they were to push a fuel with a higher sulfur content through the pipeline ahead of the 15ppm fuel, the fuel would pick up some of the high sulfur residue from the prvious fuel and it would make it unusable in an on-road application.

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05-15-2008 11:17:05

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to cenexguy, 05-15-2008 11:14:48  
sorry that should have said 500 pm sulfur for off road

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05-15-2008 10:51:59

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I called the bulk plant this morning, 4.09 for off road. They knock off .04 per gallon if I pick it up. Two weeks ago I picked up 52 gallons of off road for 3.61, when I had my farm tanks filled the first of April it was 3.58 per gallon for 1500 gallons. I try to call every morning before I go to town and when fuel has been down I try to get my transfer tanks in the pickup filled.

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05-15-2008 10:27:06

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I don't believe we'll ever see prices any lower than they are now. I just use fuel oil from my bulk tank for the house (I'm gonna start burning wood this year) GW is leaving the next Prez a mess, and all three candidates are are not in touch with reality, if they think the economy will be cleared up in 2 terms

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05-15-2008 10:21:33

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Last I heard farm diesel was 19 cents a liter/72 cents a US gallon cheaper here. Road diesel was $1.369/$5.18 here last week. More than 91 octane premium auto gasoline.

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05-15-2008 10:09:58

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Nate, at the $3.79 you paid, you got it cheaper than I can get "red" diesel at the local Chevron wholesale distributor here in North central Texas. I hope you filled up a 55 gallon barrel at that price, because the next time you need some it WILL be higher. Tom

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Nebraska Cowman

05-15-2008 10:09:25

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
The only way to save is to buy it in tanker loads like the big boys do. You need about 10,000 storage and a big pocket book. local Bulk delivery is going to be the same or slightly higher than buying at the pumop. I paid $3.66 to fill my farm tank 2 weeks ago and I'm sure it has gone up. And no, don't even think about it. There is a lock on the tank, and the monkeys bite.

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Mark W.

05-15-2008 09:46:55

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Paid $4.09 for 500 gallons delivered to the farm in NW PA yesterday.

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05-15-2008 09:43:16

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
What's "road tax" ($$) in your area (state + federal)?

Highway fuel $$ - road tax $$ is gonna be about what you are going to pay for offroad fuel!

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Mike M

05-15-2008 09:23:53

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
I think you allready got it as cheap as it gets ?

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05-15-2008 08:52:14

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Road Diesel is now $4.90 here in the Southern Tier of NY. Not shure what off road is but i'm due to get some for the Dozer soon :(

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M Nut

05-15-2008 08:41:38

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
Just bought 500 gallons of off road diesel last week and paid $3.82 a gallon and a $20.00 delivery fee as well. Good luck with the "cheaper fuel".

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Allan In NE

05-15-2008 08:48:27

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to M Nut, 05-15-2008 08:41:38  
Thieves in the city and now they’ve moved to include the country. :>)


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Allan In NE

05-15-2008 08:38:38

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Nate Bowser, 05-15-2008 08:30:44  
"Here", they've started to add a delivery fee to all farm fuels.

I'm tellin' ya, this little story just keeps getting better and better. :>(


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Joe in Ne

05-15-2008 20:55:24

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 Re: Off Road Diesel Fuel costs?? in reply to Allan In NE, 05-15-2008 08:38:38  
Bought 75000 gals in Jan for 2.88 a gallon. Thought I was a idiot at the time. Wish I would have bought a million gallons now.

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