I have one. A DARNED GOOD little tractor. Here's mine, still in it's "work clothes"... 
They DID have 2 PTO options, an "independant PTO", (live), which used a two-stage engine clutch, and a "transmission-driven" (non-live) PTO. HOPEFULLY, the one you are looking at has the "live" option! The engine is a good little diesel, but NOT the most common engine, and parts can be a bit higher than you might expect, and a block or head (heaven forbid you ever need one) can be REAL hard to find and $$$$. They are COLD BLOODED, and need functioning glow plugs to start, even in mild weather. Hopefully, when you go to see it, the engine is "cold", and you can watch him start it. It will smoke for a couple of minutes, then settle down ,and burn pretty clean, if the glow plugs, diesel fuel system, and compression are good. If it is a regular 424, and not the industrial version, the front axle is a bit light for heavy loader work. Take a good look to see if the axle and "wishbone" are straight. The 3-point lift setup works really well, but is TRICKY to set up and adjust if there are problems. HOPEFULLY, you can see that system in action, carrying the type of load you will use it for, a plow or rotary cutter, for example. I hope it turns out to be a good tractor and you get it! HAVE FUN!