Mark - IN.
05-21-2008 21:44:01
Re: JD 850 Clutch in reply to Thomas J. Nieman, 05-21-2008 08:57:04
That could be I suppose, but that don't sound right for that tractor. I do have a 950 that I use occasionally, and have never had that problem. Basically, the 850, 950, and 1050 are the same tractors, like 23HP, 25HP, and 27HP. The 1050 having a turbo. And there's a 900 series commercial tractor in there somewhere. My 950's a 1980 model, and I had it split out a couple or few years ago rebuilding the trans, which involved replacing the shifter fork, flywheel, pressure plate and disc. I don't recall if used a ceramic or not. I know that there were changes at a certain serial number, and mine I believe was one of the first series. I have the maintenance manual at home in Indiana, but won't be home until Friday night. From the serial number, I could look it up and see what was used, even part numbers. That does you no good now though. I've seen several 850's in use in several different prisons, and I don't recall them being dump the clutch and go. Could be, but one of the prisons is a women's prison with females operating them. I recall seeing a grounds maintenance guy having one of the female inmates easing the tractor forward and backward so he could slip a belly mower under it. Now...being that inmates don't want to be there in the first place, and this was a maximum security prison where they had females that murdered people, I'm not seeing that maintenance guy trusting her enough to do that given that if she ran him over, she'd have the excuse that the ceramic clutch is a dump and go, so he got run over. See what I mean? I guess it could be, but... Heck, I use my 950 for augering holes for fence posts because its small and manuverable, and then using the front end loader to set railroad ties as fence posts, inching forward, backward, sideways to do that. Heck, if my clutch was a dump and go trying to use it for those manuvers, I'd have set that thing on fire out in a field years ago. I didn't have that problem before I split it, haven't had that problem since splitting it. I don't use my 950 a lot because its too small for many jobs, but there are some things I can and do use it for, under the right conditions. The biggest problem I have with my 950 is has turf tires on it and they're useless. But, once I replace them, and I will, will be able to use it more often than not. There are far more times I don't need to be using a 100+ HP tractor to be doing what a 25HP tractor can and should handle, especially since I've got the dang thing. Mark